Protein requirement is standard, split the other calories between carbs and fat. E.g. 50/50 on rest days 75/25 on training days respectively.
Not strictly true, 1-3 reps really exhausts you and impairs recovery, 4-6 would be a better safer range for the average person and still comes with the same gains.
You cant change your body shape or somatatype but your can change how your body looks by reducing body fat and adding muscle. If you think your legs look really big, do heavy glute bridges and hip thrustsers, it will round your bum out so it looks bigger making your legs look smaller. Same with your upper body, put a bit…
You dont need to spend more than 30 minutes in a gym to reap the benefits. 30minutes strength training with big compound lifts and just try increase your non exercises based activity throughout the day. 30mins exercise and moderate activity during the day is ALOT better for you than 2-3 hours in the gym then sitting on…
Women that look like they squat are hot, infact do more squats and get even stronger looking legs.
You dont NEED too, if you were maintaining weight or bulking yes, but if you are cutting aslong as you arent going below your minimum daily calorie intake its fine. Minimum is worked out by how much body fat you have as each 1lb of fat is able to contribute approx 30 kcal per day to your energy needs. I.E If you need 2000…
Guess I'm lucky, I cant remember the last time I ate bread, my carb of choice is oats :)
If your aiming for 1lb a week of fat loss you should be halfway there in 3 months if your watching calorie intake and exercising. Make sure you eating the right kinda foods, getting enough protein and only eating as many carbs as you need to fuel your day and keep you sane. Get bodyfat measurements and take measurements of…
Huffdogg took the words right out of my mouth, but said them in a much more professional and intellectual way, ha
The course I did was supposed to be completed in 12 weeks with a maximum limit of 6 months, its kinda poor, gives way to so many bad PT's. I trained with one who did the same course as me, I had to tell him off several times for molesting my barbell while trying to spot me! I am going to study at university though, though…
It also has more good fats in it too! What level 4 cert are you doing?
Excellent, the first one is always the most nerve wracking! Just be careful of some of the stuff you learn in your courses, the information isnt always up to date, an example from my course material is the body can only digest 30g of protein at once, complete nonsense :) Question everything!
Option number 2 buy Mark Laurens book, You are your own gym.
Its much cheaper and more time efficient to have a home gym anyway. One of the most versatile pieces of equipment you could buy would be a kettlebell. You can hit every muscle group and get a good cardio workout Start off with at least 10kg though, anything lighter is pointless in most cases
Today I will stay on track because I need to, because my body is broken and needs to heal and I have goals to achieve which require me to be 100%
Crossfit is a beast... And injury prevention is just a big a part of the workout themselves. Hence etc
True story
I broke my ankle three weeks ago mate. Cardio is extremely tough to do with a broken ankle BUT once your able to be on your crutches for extended periods, just walking on them will provide a reasonable cardio workout. It loads your shoulders with up to 170% of your body weight and you consume 50% more oxygen too. I can get…
I've been playing with these, I've only made them a few times but I use a non stick pan, keep them thin (ish) and keep them in the pan for the minimum possible time, left it too long they go dry. I also noticed they go drier if you cook them in oil too
I usually woudnt care but as I'm dancing a fine line between losing weight, maintaining fitness and recovering from a fracture I need to make sure my nutrition is a bit more accurate.
Cheers stupid question I know
Loving the hair
Well all I can say is the back of you is fantastic samra lol
Once you are used to the work out you wont get as sore. Foam rolling and stretching can help as well as ensuring you get enough protein
Fantastically tatoo'd boobs, love the design
They have a lot of good articles on that website :)
- Its about cardio in general not just running