

  • I teach tennis and play 5 days a week and feel your pain. The way around this for me that worked well was to supplement my day with 100% Isolated Whey protein powder mixed in water. It charges me up with very little calories and keeps me going through the tough hunger hours. It also has helped my recovery time after a big…
  • Find yourself a good Kettle bell class and you will build muscle and burn calories without straining to much in 6 weeks one time per week.
  • Be patient and set realistic weight loss goals in the beginnig, therefore minimizing your caloric intake. Once you get started and see results, adjust your profile for additional weight loss. It will happened if you stay determined and stay within the guidelines.
  • If you have Comcast there are a number of exercise videos on demand. If not any kettle bell dvd for beginners is a great start.
  • I play a huge amount of tennis and have had serious cramping issues. The only thing that solved this was eating a Detour bar about 1/2 hour before exercise, which supplied enough sugar and potassium to eliminate any cramping. The only problem with the bars, are that they are approximately 150 calories.