HI, I am in the same book. If you can't write it down and add it at the end of the day, do you have a smart phone?? I use mine religiously..ok almost religiously.
Welcome! We all need help! Count me in...and GOOD LUCK!
I am IN!
Hey and welcome. Having people to bounce ideas off of and just chat with is a great motivator! Count me in!
Great question! If you "worked out" then log it! I have read that cleaning was also considered cardio so if you do that it should be logged as well.
HI, I have a similiar problem with my rt foot (tendon damage then broke) and knee. I have series problem with treadmills but the bike and for some reason some ellipticals dont bother it. You may also need to spend some time warming that knee up. Light stretches and bends. Sorry it hurts though, that pain really really…
HI Heather, Welcome. This site is great! Adding friends can't hurt, plus if you post a question or just how you are feeling, you can get some great insight, answers, or just a friendly "You can Do it".
Welcome! This place is great. Motivational, quick answers, and always someone to chat with! Good luck!
A friend of mine was a trainer, he told me that you are better off with a shake. The bars have more sugar, sodium, and calories.
Great! I am going to check this out....thank you.
OK so a question for the black coffee drinker...does it mess with your stomach???
thats a great idea...I have done this at home. I jus have to try and find them at the local places. I wonder if I could keep them at work???
Welcome, I am pretty new here to...but this place is great. Good luck and friend invite on the way! I need all the help I can get