

  • YaY!!! Great Advice from EVERYONE! I'm not REALLY on the couch all day (I have a 2 yr old).. but I just get into slumps. It's hard for me.. I like instant gratification and the 1-2 lb a week is driving me nuts. lol. I have a great support system in my family.. but since I'm the only stay at home mom I know.. I don't really…
  • ok.. most of you are looking at ONE day...and I work out ALOT, so a cheeseburger the size of my thumb OCCASIONALLY is fine. I usually eat ALOT more when getting fast food.. so that was actually a change for me. And the rest of my family wanted WENDY's, so I ate there also. Though they're supportive, no one else wants to…
  • ....actually.. yeah.. i am starving. lol. But I though I eat more than the average person. Hmmmm.. :ohwell: Created by - Free Calorie Calculator
  • Jesse... you really want to know what I'm eating? lol. oooook. Created by - Free Calorie Calculator
  • Well my chart has my FAT GOAL @ 40/day. My creamer in my coffee (i have to have) is 14. My SLimfast shake for lunch is that alone is half of my daily intake i'm allowed. Created by - Free Calorie Calculator
  • Wow. Sounds very similar to me. I was always fairly thin. I got pregnant at 22, Only gained about 15 lbs through out my pregnancy. Right after giving birth I lost all of my pregnancy weight plus 5 lbs. I was happily surprised. And shortly after that.. it started creeeping back. And that is why I'm here.. plus trying to…
  • Wow! Well thanks.. I had no idea. OOps.
  • Thanks so much!!!
  • I'm the realll Stefanie.. and I am STANDING UP! LoL
  • hahhah heyyyy Jesse!!!!!!!!!