

  • ditto what msladyface says !
  • this sounds really yummy!
  • Breakfast: 1/2 whole wheat bagel with 1 TB peanut butter and 1/2 sliced banana - with a wee drizzle of honey (I call it my Elvis special) Lunch: Homemade chicken noodle soup & FF Orange yogurt Snack: Smart Food Popcorn baggie Dinner: Turkey burger (no bun) small baked potato, small salad
  • It's not so much that I hate salads, but I hate making them! It just seems like such a hassle when I get home after work and the gym, to have to get all that stuff out - never tastes that great either - still hungry afterwards... I end up just pouring some cheerios in a bowl instead much of the time and throwing out tons…
  • Great job! It always feels so good to put something on you smaller than normal and it fits.....:drinker:
  • It's hard with those type situations - if you tried a bunch of small things - and don't want to log each and every one - just make your best estimate and add a food item such as potluch and enter the calories. That's what I would do anyways.
  • I make something similiar - I call it my Jojo McMuffin 1/4cup eggbeaters 1 slice 2% kraft American Cheese 2 Slices Turkey Bacon 1 - Thomas' 100 calorie Multi Grain english muffin Keeps me full til lunch - I eat these for dinner all the time too.
  • Yea, imagine my surprise when I found out my Jimmy John's veggie sandwich I was so proud of eating had almost 700 calories! When I looked online AFTER I ate it I found out if I had asked for it without Mayo it would have cut about 300 calories off of it....but I have to say it was a REALLY REALLY good sandwich.::wink:
  • I'd like to join the challenge as well! I want to lose 20lbs by Christmas! :tongue: CW:258
  • :tongue: Hi - welcome to myfitnesspal.
    in Hi Comment by joturbin October 2009
  • I know how you feel - although I am still employed I have been looking for a new job for over 2 years. I have had my hopes crushed over and over - going on multiple job interviews only to be told someone got the job. It hurts, you wonder - what is wrong with me? What does that person have that I don't.? :brokenheart: it…
  • I love anything made with sweet potatoes! I can't wait to try this.:heart:
  • I have a personal trainer too - and I am 5'5 - 259 lbs. She told me I should be eating 1800 calories a day to lose weight. She told someone who weighs about 155 lbs that she should be eating around 1400 to lose as long as she's exercising daily. She also said we should boost it up a couple hundred calories once a week so…
  • Hi Loritas, Good luck on your journey. I'm right there with ya. JoAnn