

  • Yayyyyy I'm so glad you joined!!! We're gonna do great girl.... Just keep up the good work and I'm gonna kick your butt ;) So be good!
  • WOW. People really are mean. I know what you mean though, people do treat you differently when you're fat. I've seen both sides... I've been thin and somewhat pretty, and I've seen how guys used to look at me and even other girls talked to me. Now that I'm fat (again) guys don't take a second look at me. The so- called…
  • OMG how funny! My mom made shrimp gumbo too!!! lol it is irresistible.
  • Hi and welcome! I joined 3 days ago and the people are awesome... I think this place will really help you out. Good luck!
  • I agree with the others, if it's an increase, keep in mind that it's only water weight. Chances are you will have some water gain, so keep that in mind. I'm with you though, I see my numbers creeping up and I pig out in pure disappointment. I am a stress eater so I try not to do things to discourage myself. (it doesn't…
  • First of all I would like to say: Welcome to MFP!!! I am a first time mom of an 18 month old baby girl and I am going to school full time to be an RN in Neurology and let me tell you, it's not easy! I wouldn't be able to do it without my mom though, she watches her during the day. I am still trying to figure out how to…
  • Thanks everyone! All great suggestion and I wrote them down. Today I did real good so far. I've had two cups of coffee and a light yogurt and afterwhile for lunch I plan on having a light salad. The early part of the day is really easy for me... but when evening comes around---- that will be the true test! @Holton: I go to…
  • I totally understand, I feel like it would really help if I had some moral support. We all need others who understand what we're going through. I fell in love with an abusive man, had a baby (that I love dearly), and with the hit to my self esteem, I just let myself go. On top of the nearly 80 lbs I gained when I was…