Food Plan

Okay somehow I need to find time to actually eat breakfast and a few small healthy snacks through out the day because this waiting all day and pigging out on dinner is not going to work. Any suggestions on food plans? I've thought about preparing baggies of healthy snacks and stuff for the next day with my designated calories...


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    You need less than 10 minutes to eat a healthy breakfast, so what is stopping you? You can microwave 2 strips of bacon in less than 2 minutes and scramble 2 eggs during that same time.......wa la, breakfast! You can open a container of yogurt and throw in a 1/4 cup of blueberries or walnuts, and .........wa la, another breakfast! You can measure out 1 cup of Kashi Go Lean cereal and measure out 1/2 cup of skim milk and open a splenda packet, and ....wa la breakfast choice #3! You can do this, just do it. Snacks are just as easy if not easier...........almonds, carrots, celery, hummus, apples, peanut butter......all can be measured and put in baggies/containers the night before. My diary is public, feel free to peruse for ideas.
  • Lisagonz
    Lisagonz Posts: 11 Member
    i would do my preps the night before so its a grab and go. I have found myself eating like you feed babies. Bit of this and a bit of that. i have some strange combinations but its getting in my fruits and veggies
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I think the easiest thing to do would be first write down lists of different breakfasts and snacks that you would like to have. Decide which ones you will actually make as opposed to those that you will think differently of when you wake up in the morning. Then, once you have those lists, go into your food diary and add those foods into the next few days slots for breakfasts and snacks. After you have those already planned out and see how many calories you have left for each day, then you can decide how big or small your portions for lunch or dinner should really be. This will prevent you from overeating and having to log it later, because if you log it first, then all you have to do is measure it later.

    I always make a week's worth of meal plans ahead of time, and that's how I generate my grocery list. It tends to save me some money doing it that way as well.
  • last_chance
    Thanks everyone! All great suggestion and I wrote them down. Today I did real good so far. I've had two cups of coffee and a light yogurt and afterwhile for lunch I plan on having a light salad. The early part of the day is really easy for me... but when evening comes around---- that will be the true test!

    @Holton: I go to school full time and I am a full time single mommy so usually I am at school during the day and I don't make time. I admit though, I should get up ten minutes earlier and make myself eat something healthy. I've gotten used to not eating breakfast or lunch and pig out at night time.

    I've started drinking hot tea again and that helps a lot.

    Thanks everyone for all the support! Good luck to everyone on your goals!
  • cjegger
    cjegger Posts: 24 Member
    Take a small cooler, like an Igloo Playmate, to school with you so you always have healty choices. Making your breakfast and lunch the night before is also wise.