

  • Make a list of gains and losses. What do you gain from regular exercise and what do you lose from not exercising.
  • Hi, welcome. You appear to be an emotional eater. If things are going bad you have the temptation to throw in the towel and go back to where you feel comfortable. I've always been quite slim but I'm an emotional eater too. What I learned over a very long time is that the cravings eventually go, as long as you distract…
  • :happy: Amazing how harsh people can be! You are running a house and trying to bring up 3 kids - and from what you say, you are not being lazy about it. You deserve a medal, not criticism. I'm assuming that you are a single parent. Perhaps you could do something whilst the children are at their clubs. You could also try…
  • All round toning of upper body must be of benefit to the breasts - loads of machines at the gym do this. I did a quick google search and found this: ... it's a start. I am sure that your bf will not be too worried about your…
  • 20's for partying, 30's for worrying, 40's for livings life to the full and loving it. 47!
  • UK all the way. Inspired by Olympics to do more sport. Love our US pals though.
  • This is a great test of your determination. Don't psychoanalyse him, don't blame him for giving into temptation. Take him and all other tempters out of the equation. Stick to YOUR goal. I think it's best to use this as a training ground for all tempation that you are going to have to deal with in the outside world. I find…