Ok, a very shy topic to talk about. Breast sagging from weight loss. I feel my breasts have lost their volume and are lower and much flatter. I've always had big breasts and of course my bf loves that.
I know the weight loss is important and will only do me well health-wise , but I find this very upsetting. I am so scared that this will affect my relationship now and in the future. I don't know what to do to bring them back up :( I am 18 .. I've lost over a stone in total, and this just seems so unfair, I don't mind them being smaller but they're saggy and flat and losing their shape.
:sad: Please help :(


  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    Wait til you see what happens to them when you have a baby! Iv'e had 4 and my hubby is still with me! It really is nothing to worry about, seriously. If he is that shallow trade him in for one with a bit more depth to him!
  • Morningstar93
    Are there any exercises ??? anything??
  • NVM87
    NVM87 Posts: 57 Member
    Yes they do start to sag after losing weight (and yes in my case especially after breast feeding) however they will eventually bounce back up with the help of consistent weight training alongside maintaining a healthy diet. Make sure you get yourself properly fitted after losing weight to also have the right support to assist you in getting your bounce back.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    Yes. Sorry I was being flippant. I agree with the above poster, get a good fitting and new bras, you'll feel much better and your self confidence will go up cos you'll feel sexy again!
    edit typo
  • Livibird65
    All round toning of upper body must be of benefit to the breasts - loads of machines at the gym do this.

    I did a quick google search and found this:

    ... it's a start.

    I am sure that your bf will not be too worried about your breasts when your health, fitness, confidence and shape will be changing for the better all too soon. You are young and I'm sure that your body will catch up with your fantastic weightloss soon.

    Make sure that you keep up to date with the new norms for your breasts as you change shape - it's important that we all know in case anything changes. <img src=""&gt;
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    And yes, there are exercises and yes it gets better with even more weight loss. I also have a big bust and am much older than you. There is hope!

    As you lose weight the 'space' that used to be filled up with fat goes away (yay!). You muscles have to adjust to pull things back tight. I am actually just going through this with my stomach. I lost a lot of volume and things were a bit flabby because my back and abdominal muscles were too big for the new smaller girth. As I walked and did ab exercises everything tightened up.

    Breasts too. I lost weight there too - especially in the top so they looked droopier. But did lots of exercises moving my arms, building up those muscles in my upper chest and upper arms, and the muscles are toning and shrinking back to the right size, and every thing looks much better than before.

    In fact, although my breasts are smaller (bra strep a few inches smaller), they look much bigger because they stand out from my ribs more.

    Your boyfriend will love it. My husband does.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You're 18.. some toning exercises will help a lot.

    But be careful of gaining it back again.. when you're older and losing weight, or losing weight repeatedly because you keep gaining it back, the skin isn't as resilient.
  • Morningstar93
    And yes, there are exercises and yes it gets better with even more weight loss. I also have a big bust and am much older than you. There is hope!

    As you lose weight the 'space' that used to be filled up with fat goes away (yay!). You muscles have to adjust to pull things back tight. I am actually just going through this with my stomach. I lost a lot of volume and things were a bit flabby because my back and abdominal muscles were too big for the new smaller girth. As I walked and did ab exercises everything tightened up.

    Breasts too. I lost weight there too - especially in the top so they looked droopier. But did lots of exercises moving my arms, building up those muscles in my upper chest and upper arms, and the muscles are toning and shrinking back to the right size, and every thing looks much better than before.

    In fact, although my breasts are smaller (bra strep a few inches smaller), they look much bigger because they stand out from my ribs more.

    Your boyfriend will love it. My husband does.

    Thank you, made me feel a lot better knowing your story.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Get a great fitting bra. As your body gets smaller your breast will look better to you.
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    Chest exercises will be a big help to you here. Pushups, bench press, dumbbell flyes, cable flyes, etc
  • Morningstar93
    All round toning of upper body must be of benefit to the breasts - loads of machines at the gym do this.

    I did a quick google search and found this:

    ... it's a start.

    I am sure that your bf will not be too worried about your breasts when your health, fitness, confidence and shape will be changing for the better all too soon. You are young and I'm sure that your body will catch up with your fantastic weightloss soon.

    Make sure that you keep up to date with the new norms for your breasts as you change shape - it's important that we all know in case anything changes. <img src=""&gt;

    Thankyou for the website, very kind x
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    So sorry to hear you so upset. It is difficult when our bodies change especially when we are working so hard to improve them. There are weight lifting machines and free weight exercises to build muscle mass in your chest area which ultimately helps to a personal trainer and get some advice. In the meantime get a good bra to hold you firmly where you want the girls to be! As women we battle these things all our life...try to put it in perspective even though that is easier said than done.
  • HogSandwich
    HogSandwich Posts: 146 Member
    Don't fret. You're eighteen - my boobs didn't settle into a reasonable shape until I was 25. Your skins still very resilient - in the meantime, do weights training, moisturize well to keep your skin elastic and eat a stack of fruit+vegetables+water for the collagen.
  • Morningstar93
    So sorry to hear you so upset. It is difficult when our bodies change especially when we are working so hard to improve them. There are weight lifting machines and free weight exercises to build muscle mass in your chest area which ultimately helps to a personal trainer and get some advice. In the meantime get a good bra to hold you firmly where you want the girls to be! As women we battle these things all our life...try to put it in perspective even though that is easier said than done.

    Thankyou you're very sweet and encouraging
  • Morningstar93
    Thankyou everyone so much, I will work those muscles and keep on my diet.
  • Morningstar93
    Don't fret. You're eighteen - my boobs didn't settle into a reasonable shape until I was 25. Your skins still very resilient - in the meantime, do weights training, moisturize well to keep your skin elastic and eat a stack of fruit+vegetables+water for the collagen.

    I will do all of that, Thankyou :)
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    My sis lost 3 stone- they looked BAD-after a few months of press ups they looked really good- perky and firm.
  • Morningstar93
    My sis lost 3 stone- they looked BAD-after a few months of press ups they looked really good- perky and firm.

    That is great to know :)