ccanga Member


  • My problem is that every day around 2pm I have 10 Hershey Kisses and a small bag of M&M. what can I substitute for this. The issue is the workplace has strategically placed chocolate everywhere. grrrrr
  • I like Donnah's goal. It is good to overshoot and then if she loosed 1/5 pound she is right on track. No? I too want to drop 20 pounds and I want to keep it off. diet and exercise. i have set 2 pounds a week keeping to 1300 calories a day. does anyone know if the 1300 calories is before or after you subtract the calories…
  • :smile: Ran for 60 minutes today. slow pace 4mph. first run since February 2013
  • Hi. I am brand new too. As for my goal (loosing 15 pounds) I feel like I am looking up at Mt Everest. One foot in front of the other should do it though. Good luck. I will inspire you when I can.:glasses: