

  • Office worker at a HVAC company :-)
  • As much as I don't like her, I just added some Britany Spears to my playlist. Her voice is a bit annoying but the beats are usually upbeat and some of her songs make me want to kick some butt :-)
  • My hubby and I use PF too! He's the one with the actual membership and I go as his "guest" which is no charge. I love going there!
  • Me too! My husband and I both have some slight issues that are hindering our chances. I have a blocked fallopian tube and my and my husband has very low motility. We are hoping that if we both lose a little bit of weight it might help increase our chances as well. Good luck to you, my dear!
  • I'm in the same boat. I lost almost 10 pounds within the first weekd (mostly water weight) and I havent changed a thing since. If anything, I'm working out more (mostly cardio and strength training for my arms). Actually a day hasnt gone by in over 2 weeks that I havent done some sort of cardio exercise. My scale is stuck…
  • What does NSV mean? I see it everywhere and can't seem to figure it out :-)
  • I love this. Friend request on it's way, darling! :-)
  • Hi! I live in New York as well... I used to LIVE on this website over a year ago and fell off big time. Time to get back into shape! I'll send a request for sure :-)
  • I work until 2pm during the week, and sometimes later. Thankfully my gym, my home and my babysitter are all within one intersection... literally walking distance. I go to the gym on my way home from work, before I pick my son up from the babysitter. I theres a day where I have to work later than 2pm, I try to go walk the…
  • mcdonads is my weakness. i could eat it daily if i had the choice... but im not trying to gain weight, im trying to lose it. just thinking about it makes me get a craving. i dont even think my gym allows food inside.... anyone else go to planet fitness and know?
  • Just started this site this morning, and it makes me happy to know there is a place to track what I eat, so I know I'm not wasting my time in the gym, while thinking that I am eating healthy. I'm hoping to get down to 165 by the start of summer... wish me luck!
    in New Comment by JDetro22 November 2010
  • i am super amazed at the weightloss you have accomplish since october of 2010! i too am 5 feet tall and considered obese. i am trying to get myself down to at least 165 befor summer. i just signed up for a fitness center on saturday the 13th of november and am ready to get myself back to pre baby/husband weight! if you…