OSUChristina Member


  • Dang! That's kickin it! Great job! Keep it up!
  • I know when I get my migraines, exercising actually makes it worse; my migraines are hormonal though. I get them once a month like clockwork. If you feel up to doing something take a walk but if your body is telling you no, you probably need the rest. Just my two cents.
  • I'm 5'9". I so hate shopping for jeans! The talls are a little too long and the average are high waters. UGH! Feel free to add me.
  • I have a fitbit and have been using it for about 4 months. It definitely helps to make sure you are upping your activity in a day. That being said, you do have consider that it takes into account steps only. Regardless, I love it. You can also use it in conjuction with a program called Earndit to earn free GCs for free…
  • Blue Moon Sam Adams Light
  • I was always on the heavier side but looking back, I know now that during my middle school years I was actually within weight for my height and frame. I was slightly overweight during early HS. I can remember weighing in at 180 (should be around 165-175 per my doc) and my band director just hammered me. I wish he would…
  • A little bit more about me. I am the breadwinner in our family and have a stressful job with a new boss that loves to hover. I do love for the most part because it is so interesting and I love my coworkers. My schedule is non-stop. I sometimes don't get home until almost 9 at night due to kids activities. I also have a 45…
  • Hi! I'm a full-time working mom and I am also an adjunct professor. I have 3 children - two boys 10 and soon to be 7 and a daughter soon to be 5. The boys both play football and my daughter is in dance one night a week and gymnastics two nights a week. My only two free days a week are Fridays and Sundays. It's crazy trying…