Was anyone overweight during their childhood or teen years?



  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I was overweight as a child, even though mom was a type I diabetic. I found out I had type I when I was 15 and I was about 20 pounds overweight. Previously, I had been picked on terribly because of the weight. I was never athletic at all. When I became diabetic, I lost all the weight and probably more than I needed to. Unfortunately 20 years later, it found its way back with a vengeance. I have been as low as 104 at 18 and as high as 246 years later. Fighting hard to get back to a normal weight for my health.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Yup, around 7 or so I think. Well at some point in elementarey school I always had a "tummy." Then I developed early, and started wearing juniors/womens clotihng around age 10 (my mom didn't approve of the juniors clothing, so she stuck me in the more conservative adult clothes *rolls eyes*).

    By age 12 or so, I was around a 9/10 in juniors. High school I was 13/14ish. Basically a bit smaller than I am at the moment. Not sure of my weight. I skipped the scale. I am guessing I was around 180 or so. (In adulthood, my shape changed a bit, I got more of a waist). In college I hovered around 14-16 mostly, but the last year I gained a bit and was 18ish. I stayed around there in my 20s mostly, and hit ~18/20 at my largest (16w/18w)

    There wasn't a cause. I was just bigger. I was always pretty active, riding bikes playing outside, stuff like that. My eating habits were like everyone else's.

    I probably got picked on a handful of times in elementary school. Nothing traumatic. People didn't really comment, outside of family. I had plenty of friends and so on, but I wasn't too popular with the boys. I was a little weird anyway. I was more popular in the later years of high school, in venues outside of my high school community.
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    I started getting heavy at the age of 9, after my father died. I have never been considered thin, I was bullied all throughout school as well. Talked down to by family, the whole "you have such a pretty face" forced diets and other such crap.

    I was overweight, childhood, teen, and adult years...
  • clariangel
    clariangel Posts: 156 Member
    I was told I was fat or chubby from an early age. What's funny though is how I look back at those photos and I wasn't big enough to call fat. So perhaps being told I was chubby somehow turned me into a chubby. Who knows. Regardless of how I got here, it's my decision to change for the better.

    But thinking I was fat made other people think I was fat, and I was teased for that. grr, if i knew then what I know now. :P

    edit to say: I remember my mom telling me that I shouldn't worry too much because when I hit my teenage years, I would thin out. Well, I'm still waiting for that to happen, and I'm in my 30s. :P
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    I have been overweight since 1980. In 1980 my parents moved to Arizona from Pennsylvania which is culture shock for a kid from the country to a big city. A city of HEAT at that I quickly became an "indoor" person and didn't get much exercise and my family was an eat everything on your plate family and my MOM was a great cook. I remember having to shop for "huskys" back in the 6th grade. I know as a sophmore in high school I weighed around 225 becuase I wrestled and that put me in the heavy weight division which was capped at 285. So I was getting crushed "yep crushed" by the giant guys so I quickly started losing weight got down to the 191 class sophmore year then Junior year I was around 205 but cut weight to wrestle around 178 and 191. After wrestling was over I jumped back up to 205 ish along came college and my weight went up and down from 225 to 205 and stayed in that ping pong routine until I got a job traveling and eating out ALL the time and jumped up to 270. I think I maintained 270 for a few years but then managed to explode up to 340 and then I made the change.

    Today, I am 214 and I am going to get down to my high school wrestling weight of 178 and then I am going to focus on body fat sadly when I was at that weight in Height School I was weak, this time I will not be weak.

    What was the question again?
  • from age 12 to 20 i ranged from 170 pounds to 200. . . . . ive been overweight all my life. . except for now. lol
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    Yeah I was always fat.
    Cute, but fat.
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    I've been overweight my whole life...from childhood. It sucks!!
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    I was my biggest in highschool. I played tennis and hockey but ate WAY too much (thanks dad!). Once I went to college I slimmed down. I'm 6'1" and weight around 210 in highschool, which isn't huge but is considered overweight.

    Honestly I never expereinced too much teasing or anything. Most of my friends were a bit bigger so I wasn't out of place. I think it's also easier for a guy.... or more 'accepted'.
  • Arrabindi
    Arrabindi Posts: 169 Member
    I was chubby as a kid, and I hated it, but as a kid there's not really much you can do. I just ate what my parents put in front of me. When I became a teenager, I was still the chubby/fat one in school, and I know my mom really wanted me to lose weight. I've always felt it was more for her own sake than for mine, so to spite her I kept eating, even though I really wanted to be thin. It wasn't until a couple of years ago (early twenties) I felt strong enough to start losing weight for my own well being and not care about what she thought. I've always heard it's harder to lose weight if you've been fat since childhood, so i've just taken it really slowly over the years - I've been overweight my whole life so one year extra is nothing, if it means the weight will stay off for good.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I would really like to address this bullying issue...it's not weight related. I was in great shape as a teen, my kids were in great shape throughout their childhood and yet we were all bullied in our lifetimes. My children were bullied so bad in school I withdrew my youngest one from high school and put her in night school with adults. A few of the bullies were teachers, coaches and other adults stood, watched and did nothing.

    Bullying is a chronic unaddressed problem for our youth and I am sorry to hear that you suffered it as well.

    It is hard to think that this problem continues and no one ever stands up, speaks up or fights back for the victims. I did...we suffered a retaliatory backlash for fighting back but I have no regrets my children saw me defend them

    I would also like to say both of my daughters had black belts in taekwondo and still suffered as victims...had they lashed out they would have been the ones in trouble so they suffered....

    Why bullying persists is beyond me, it is easy enough to stop...it just takes the adults standing there watching it to get involved but they choose not to.

    Bullying has nothing to do with weight and everything to do with being randomly victimized. (bullies don't need a reason to bully)
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    I was active, always a chubby kid, but getting injured in basketball got me to balloon up to 290+ as a sophomore.
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 173 Member
    I was overweight starting from middle school on up. I'm still overweight, but at least now I've started to get myself on track. But that's besides the point.

    Yes, I was bullied through high school for being the "fat" girl, even by my own family. So I had nowhere to turn but food. I was incredibly unhappy, so food made me happy. That and both my parents were working parents, so quick and cheap was a way of life for my family.
  • Shellyyy7928
    Shellyyy7928 Posts: 78 Member
    Been overweight since about 5th grade. 7th grade my dr told my mother I was fat and needed to see a nutritionist. Lost 30 pounds in a year. Not enough money to keep going. So I gained back most of the weight. Was 5'5" and roughly 160-170 through all of highschool. Carried all my weight in my middle. But never got bullied or made fun of. I guess the worst thing I got was being called chicken legs by my friends or being told I have a back crack because I have no *kitten* lol. Got pregnant the end of my junior year. Gave birth in January 2011 weighing 200 pounds. By May that year when I graduated I was about 175. I am now 160. It's slow going, but it's going lol.

    I was never bullied. Nor did I have horrible self esteem issues. Idk. Being a fat teenager didn't really have an impact on me. I know i wasn't as big as some but I was one of the biggest girls in my grade. And although all the rest of my family are healthy weights, I was never picked on.
  • anamy90
    anamy90 Posts: 43
    I was a rather chunky monkey from about age 11 when I hit puberty. I was bullied and made to feel lesser for most of highschool. Definitely affects self esteem in all areas of your life. I never feel like i measure up. I did find myself playing the fat funny girl a lot, which is a sad sterotype because...not all fat people are funny and jolly. Grown out of it somewhat though still have a tendency to be a doormat.That will be changing.
  • tifalva
    tifalva Posts: 220 Member
    For as long as I can remember I was overweight. I went for a span of maybe 9 months between my sophomore and junior year where I had lost about 40 pounds and fit into "normal clothes". I can remember that Christmas I was happy I could fit into a pair of jeans that were a size 8.

    My grandmother would have me on the kitchen floor doing sit ups each night and I would often get a "talk" about my appearance and weight. My mother was over weight and so is the paternal side of my family. Meals around the house most of the time was fast food or chicken nuggets and french fries or burgers. The most I weighed in high school was 170. I was active though with a very outdoor-oriented boyfriend who didn't believe in sitting still EVER and dancing on the kick line for my high school marching band so even though food choices were crap I could manage kinda well with the activity level I had. One of my crushes in high school told me he would never date me because I "had enough rolls to open up a bakery". I will NEVER forget that. Broke my heart.

    Things got worse once I went to college. I stopped being active, stayed in my room most of the time and had a literally had a drawer full of chocolate, crackers and cookies. My classes were so far spread out that my go to meal was ramen or pop tarts. When I would go to the dining hall, I would choose from the fried foods section and ALWAYS save room for ice cream. Needless to say I went from 170 to over 200 REALLY quick. From there things just got worse. I would try something and fail, I would feel hopeless and helpless that I could never do it and eat more. I kept gaining the weight. Now I am 255, my highest was like 270 something. I wish every day that I would have tried out for something in college or at least taken advantage of the free gym that was right across the walk way from my dorm room each night. Probably wouldn't be in the pickle I'm in now.

    Being overweight as a child SUCKED. Kids are so mean and cruel its ridiculous sometimes.
  • curiouslycharlie
    curiouslycharlie Posts: 2 Member
    I've always been overweight/obese. I sometimes joke that I was born fat because I weighed 10 pounds at birth =p
    Throughout school I was always teased and bullied because of how fat I was. By the time I was in fourth grade, I weighed 190lbs. I remember stepping on the scale at my grandma's house once and the reaction she had when she saw the number pop up. "You'd just be perfect if you lost some weight!" Great advice for a nine year old! I was never really taught how to eat properly, as my mom could eat whatever she wanted and stay skinny, and I guess she thought the same would be true for me. Not so much! Fast forward to sixth grade when I gained an absurd amount of weight and ended up in a size 26 pant- whoa. By eighth grade I was back down to an 16, due to a growth spurt, diet and soccer. However, once I started high school, I gained a lot of weight due to depression and lack of exercise, and made my way back up to a 24/26. I'm back down to a 22 though! Yay! :smile:
    Basically, my point is, I've been overweight/obese forever. I've never been the proper weight, and I don't really think I'll ever be, but hopefully I can get back to where I can wear a size 16! I didn't have any rolls then! :tongue:
  • mbk830
    mbk830 Posts: 164 Member
    I started gaining weight when I was 5. I was teased mercilessly throughout elementary and middle school, and when I graduated high school I was a size 14 and had virtually no dating experience. The thing is I was very active spending hours and hours in a gym or dance studio many days during the week throughout high school. I didn't eat a ton of junk food (except the candy supplied by my grandfather), just too much of it. When I got to college and stopped exercising, I didn't change my eating habits (actually, they got worse)...so a size 14 quickly became a size 24. So here I am at 33 trying for the umpteenth time to be a size 8 or 10 or something....at least it appears that I'm doing something right this time.

    I think writing this post gave me the motivation to go to the gym today that I've been lacking....
  • OSUChristina
    OSUChristina Posts: 11 Member
    I was always on the heavier side but looking back, I know now that during my middle school years I was actually within weight for my height and frame. I was slightly overweight during early HS. I can remember weighing in at 180 (should be around 165-175 per my doc) and my band director just hammered me. I wish he would have just encouraged me to tone up because the weight would have went along with that.

    I always look heavier than I was until college because of my chest size. I was a 36C in 5th grade, a 36DD in middle school and high school and now am a 34JJ. My husband wants me to have a reduction now that I am done having kids but to me, I need to get back down around 200 to be able to justify to the insurance company why it should be done (I hardly ever lose in my chest). But it was hard and I really think it was because I was comparing myself to what was not realistic for me.

  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    No lie, my family nick name for me was "fatso".
    For as long as I can remember maybe 6-7 years old. Back then I guess it didn't bother me. Now one sister will still use it, but I really hate it now.
    Had a skinny phase my early 20's, but didn't last very long.