zlitwin Member


  • me too! Chubby vegan here...
  • If you are on FaceBook there is a group called "For the love of vegan shoes"
  • I get them too... I'm 51 and been having them for a couple of years. Triggers include wine and caffeine so I try to keep those things at bay but it's tough!
  • Yeah, me too...
    in Hello! Comment by zlitwin December 2014
  • I am INSPIRED by stories of weight loss over 50. I quickly put on ten pounds with menopause and now at 51 want to get it off! I know it's only ten pounds but it might as well be 100. Great to see success, I hope to join you!
  • I am a chronic overeater and can completely relate to your feelings. I wish I knew why we do it but what we CAN do is keep trying, every single day because if we stop trying we'll backslide and put more weight on. Hang in there!
    in Hello! Comment by zlitwin December 2014
  • Congrats on cleaning up your life! I've been vegan for about 1.5 years and well, I just eat too much! I don't usually do New Year's resolutions but I'm thinking of throwing one down now to get these ten pounds OFF!