flrosie40 Member


  • DeLaina, the glory of mfp is that it allows to recognize where your stray on a "normal" day, and allows you to recap over the week for celebration days. Don't sweat it. You'll get it soon enough.
  • At 8 months post op, I'd suggest you seek the advice of a metabolic specialist. Between the normal changes our bodies go through as we age, the changes that occur as a result of a bypass are extraordinary. You might need some tweaking to get things where they belong. I had been getting a hormone pellet before my surgery,…
    in Libido Comment by flrosie40 June 2016
  • LOVE this topic! My NSV for the week: 1. I was able to wear a sports bra I purchased 5 years ago, that hasn't fit in 4. Actually surprised by the fact that it's even a little loose!! Wowee! 2. My biking goal for Sunday was 9 miles - I did 9.98 miles. 3. I pulled three tops and two shorts out of the box in my closet -…
  • I am always so disheartened by people who poo-poo one of the other WLS tools (the ones they didn't have) by slandering the other options. Choosing a WLS solution is a very personal choice. It is not necessary to tout false studies and made up statistics. We ALL have knowledge of people who have succeeded and failed at any…
  • I had my lapband surgery 3/19 - last Tuesday. Obviously I cannot tell you anything about the long-term results but I can tell you why I decided on lapband versus any of the other surgeries. For me, I did not want a portion of my stomach or other anatomy lopped off and sucked out. I might need that someday for some reason.…