tuppence1984 Member


  • Totally agree with slowly. Make sure you also walk a little, then stretch and then walk quicker/jog from there. Im assuming you are a woman and the sports bra is key as you will do some damage otherwise. Depending on how big you are, ENEL are a good brand as are Triumph Extreme or Bendon. As for shoes, I always wear ASICS…
  • SW:188 LW: 185 CW: 185 GW 170 No change...been a very stressful week! Hoping to be re-inspired this week.
  • SW:188 LW: 187 CW: 185 GW 170 Lost 2lbs this week. I thought I was tracking better than I was and I exercised twice in one day and then exercised the next day, but chose a day off yesterday. didnt expect to lose this week, so will take the 2. BUT biggest change has been back to having no alcohol during the week…
  • Still on 187 for me...nothing doing!
  • haha! a whopping 1 whole pound...woop woop. going the right way though! SW: 188 CW: 187 GW: 170
  • Just found this site...good call people. I'm from the UK originally & have lived in NZ for the last 7 years. Last Xmas I went home to visit & for the few months beforehand I exercised like a demon twice a day at times, used MFP, ate really well etc. I lost about a stone or so before I went home (about 8kgs/18 lbs).…
  • where did you get 200 cals from for a GnT?? I was excited the other day to total up 25ml bombay saphire and diet tonic water was 57cals. Have I gone badly wrong??
  • 1 piece wholemeal toast dash of flora marg or whatever you like LF cottage cheese... yum, fast, warm and healthy.
  • Sorry, i need gravy with mash. end of story. why doesnt he just buy a tin of brown onion gravy (bisto's or whatever) two teaspoons, mix with boiled hot water, quarter to half a cup, mix it well. Will be thick, doesn't need all of it, job done! Not sure about the calorie etc etc content but a taste is enough!
  • Wish him well and say goodbye. He sounds like he is going to end up super needy (I dont deserve you etc is an excuse for I will forever make excuses for my behaviour, be jealous etc etc) and clearly you are already confused. Despite being together a while, this should be an exciting time. You said no, he didnt respect it,…
  • I've done it...very very hard, but you can set the level to where you are at. suggest proper cycling shorts though. Ow!