

  • Hi, I will be on the mountain hiking up the grind, well, the bcmc which runs just east of the grind... Is just as hard as the grind except when you get to the top, it levels out just a bit... Been doing the climb for awhile now... Love that one... Waaaay less traffic... Maybe see you in am. What time are you getting there?
  • Hey Neil, great seeing you up on the grind this morning.... Was hotter today I noticed, made for a bit of a harder climb... You feel that too?
  • How's the grind going? Been up there lately? I'm heading up early this Saturday. Sept the 8th... Will I see you there? I've also been giving some thought to hiking up the second trail right after the tram ride down from doing the grind trail, think its called, Baden Powell trail... Should be an easier gentler cool down…
  • Hi there... I've been on the grind about 4 times so far this year... When you say it's he'll, yup, that's about it... What a great cardio workout though... I head up there usually on Saturday early am... Seems to be less busy then... Midday makes it too crowded I think... Hard to gain better times with all the traffic in…
  • That puts me in this category!! Trying to burn off whats left of winter and summer weight gains… Small gains but none the less, still soft edges here and there… Kind of creeps up on you at this age it seems.. Tired of feeling tired… Want to build up cardio and strength.. Looking to be closer to my optimum peak level than…