Calling all 40 something's!



  • Im 39 so im getting there. I have just started monday my goal is to lose 25 to 30 pounds. I start somthing and in about a week im over it. this has really helped me alot having to count my calories I have a 22 year old a 19 year old and a 4 year old dont know how that happen lol. We have a very steep long uphill drive way i walk it once a day but today i did it twice i dont think my heart has ever beat so fast. Oh yes and i must mention i have bad panic attacks so of course i just knew i was having a heart attack. lol ( not funny at the time) any ideas to keep me modivaded would be great.
  • SueSlick
    SueSlick Posts: 268 Member
    bump for later
  • Yes 40 somethings - why does it get hard to lose the weight after 40??? I would love to add some friend and would try to help you as well .... I am up a few dress sizes and would like to fit back into my clothes.
  • ree1170
    ree1170 Posts: 10
    I'm 41, am serious about Bringing Sexy Back, and have a GREAT sense of humor. Let's do this 40s!!!!

  • Gymlifeforever14
    Gymlifeforever14 Posts: 7 Member
    Good luck to all and life begins at 40!! At least it did for me!! Keep pressing on my friends!!
  • 40 is just a number we are killing it!
    Please add
  • voitdancer
    voitdancer Posts: 61 Member
    I'm in! I in my 40's for 2 more years and serious about being/getting fit and I truly need more humor in my life!!!
  • Just turned 40 less than a week ago. Not sure I have a good sense of humor but my oldest daughter says I'm "weird-chic" Thanks??? LOL
    Anyone looking for more friends &/or motivation, please add me :)
  • That puts me in this category!! Trying to burn off whats left of winter and summer weight gains… Small gains but none the less, still soft edges here and there… Kind of creeps up on you at this age it seems.. Tired of feeling tired… Want to build up cardio and strength.. Looking to be closer to my optimum peak level than farther away from it.. Hiking is my gig, stair climbing too, 35 floors in under 5 minutes now!! Excellent...… Now i'm ooking for my next mountain… :-) Say hi, Love to be friends, i'm in Vancouver BC
  • I''m 42 (43 in a few days) and am glad to be added! Let's support each other!

  • Tricia2013
    Tricia2013 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey i am forty something. Just sent you a request.
  • RideaYeti
    RideaYeti Posts: 211 Member
    Count me in. 45 and getting into the best shape of my life.
  • cj_ks
    cj_ks Posts: 15
    41 here! I'm serious about losing weight the healthy way. No gimmicks, no fads, no pills.................. just constantly being aware of what I eat. I struggle with making the time to exercise. I'm waiting on the day that I wake up and say "wow, I can't wait to go to the gym today". Hasn't happened yet!!

    I'd love some new friends! Add me, one or all!!
  • Tinkydinkydoo
    Tinkydinkydoo Posts: 26 Member
    Just turned 40 last year. They say life begins at 40 so that means I'll be turning 2 this year! Add me if u like. :)
  • wingchunrick
    wingchunrick Posts: 267 Member
    Life begins at 40. Feel free to add:smile:
  • ASDavis72
    ASDavis72 Posts: 77 Member
    Here :-)
  • I am 44. Feel free to add me.:smile:
  • I'm 41. Most people who meet me argue that this is not possible...and who am I to argue about THAT?? I feel like I'm 21.
  • lisaloumn2
    lisaloumn2 Posts: 203 Member
    Just turned 45 - been lurking here for quite a while. My ex never found me very funny, but my friends do which is why I kept the friends and got rid of my ex. :tongue:

    I am in the middle of a 90-day fitness challenge ( and am so far down 13 pounds and about the same inches. Trying to get back into shape and eat better to be a strong role model for my daughter and jump back into the dating pool.

    Since I have only been logging food and not on the boards - I have no friends here (yet). Please send invites and I will do the same. Doing this on my own gets lonely sometimes.
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    I'm 41. Most people who meet me argue that this is not possible...and who am I to argue about THAT?? I feel like I'm 21.

    Age is most definitely JUST a number!

    I'm 49 and have decided that I like the 40's just fine and that's where I'm staying, thankyouverymuch. No more of this aging stuff. It's just not nice. I'm also the proud parent of a 12 yr old (going on 30) daughter and a cancer survivor. (You GOTTA have a sense of humor for those two things alone). I have recently decided that I am so over this whole cancer thing so I joined a gym a couple of weeks ago and dusted off my MFP account. Time to take my life back. Time to get this done once and for all. Anyone looking for some MFP company, feel free to add me.