Millie4l Member


  • I have started on the 5+2 diet and it works. You eat as normal for 5 days then fast for 2 days. On fast days you can eat up to 500 calories for a woman and 600 for a man. At first I had the fast days side by side but found on day two that I was feeling really tired so now fast Mon and Thurs. Since starting this way of…
  • You can buy loose bran which can be added to soups and stews, mixed in to all sorts of things even sprinkled in to scrambled eggs etc. This may help in the bathroom department. :-0)
  • I have frozen berries and a slice of toast for breakfast - my husband prefers porridge made with half milk/half water with a dash of maple syrup. This can be made the night before, and taken to work and warmed up in the microwave :-0) Good luck and remember that portion size is important!