

  • Yeah, that too. And I HIGHLY recommend you go to an actual running store for shoes. I did, and it makes a world of difference. They look at your gate, the wear pattern on your shoes to see if you pronate, etc., check your arch... There are so many things that go into finding the right pair of shoes that I never even…
  • Don't hold on to it. Tomorrow is a new day. Let go of today, forgive yourself, and start over. One pound is 3500 calories. 225 is 6% of ONE pound. You can totally get over that. I have found that I am much more likely to stick to my eating plan if I let the little things go. If I get mad at myself for it, I'm a lot more…
  • I have not had that kind of pain, but I highly recommend you go in and have a doctor or physical therapist look at it before you continue. I ignored a weird ankle pain several years ago, and it doesn't go away. Eventually, I could barely walk without pain, and the running had to stop. Then I was sedentary again for about…
  • It's not a vanity issue. The problem is that many reliable studies have shown that if you carry 10 extra pounds on your hips or butt, you are a lot healthier than someone carrying 10 extra pounds in their belly. Belly fat messes with insulin & hormone production. I'm nearing a point where I feel I can work on maintaining…
  • In a typical week, usually working out about three or four days. One hour of kickboxing one day a week, usually 30 minutes of jogging once a week, and then a day of interval training, where I work on my speed. Lately, I have been doing more hiking instead of jogging, now that the weather is nice.
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