brensjourney Member


  • First of all, congrats on your progress so far! Second, you absolutely CAN be gaining muscle since you joined the gym. I am in pretty much the same boat. Lots of weight came off with minimal effort, then nothing, even though I started working even harder at it and joined a gym. My suggestion would be to see if your gym…
  • Brussels sprouts! Sliced or shredded, tossed in a little coconut oil, salt & pepper, a sprinkle of parmesan, and roasted at 450 degrees for 15 minutes. I could eat them all day, every day. Maybe I should. :tongue:
  • Hi - I'm new to MFP and just had my son in July, so I also have some baby weight to lose (plus what I had to lose to begin with!) I literally just signed up so I'm not sure how to navigate this site, but ..... I'll figure it out.