I'm Over 200 lbs and CANNOT lose weight!!



  • brensjourney
    brensjourney Posts: 4 Member
    First of all, congrats on your progress so far!

    Second, you absolutely CAN be gaining muscle since you joined the gym. I am in pretty much the same boat. Lots of weight came off with minimal effort, then nothing, even though I started working even harder at it and joined a gym. My suggestion would be to see if your gym offers an assessment that includes body fat %. I was stunned to see that I had gained a pound (I still have 60+ lbs to lose) but, according to the machine, I had lost 8 lbs of fat, gained 4 lbs of muscle, and the rest was water -- which is now gone since I'm staying hydrated. So, it is possible.

    That being said -- stay hydrated! Keep a close eye on your calories. Eat enough (within your range) but not too much. Everyone here has offered good advice, just experiment with it. Try slowly upping the calories one week and see what happens, be sure to track your exercises (highly recommend a heart rate monitor!) so those calories are factored in. If that doesn't work, try lowering your carb count -- eat more protein and veggies. Experiment with it. We are all different so there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Most importantly, never give up! You're doing great.
  • Heatherybit
    Heatherybit Posts: 91 Member
    Heart Rate Monitor. You might not be burning as much as you think you are when working out. Digital scale, the measuring cups are straight up liars!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    You are not losing because you are not in a deficit. I agree with all the others who said get a food scale.
  • TexasGal1
    TexasGal1 Posts: 65 Member
  • natstar26
    natstar26 Posts: 130 Member
    At first you tend to lose a good amount of weight and yes it does slow down after a while, this is NORMAL. You need to change up your exercises. I also see you are not having enough protein in your diet, its very important as it helps your muscles stay healthy and strong. Having low or no protein in your daily lifestyle over time isn't a good thing. You will lose weight even if you don't eat much protein obviously but some of this will be muscle not just fat and water. Make sure as the others have said to measure and weigh your food and even oils, butters ect Keeping your muscles strong by eating enough protein and doing what you are doing by the strength training will help with those stubborn lbs :) Good luck
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    Do you drink plenty of water and rest as well? Have you
    ever tested for thyroid conditions? I was where you
    are now when I began here (not with this nic).
    I never thought I would break under 200, with my
    conditions I was told I couldn't,but I did.It's other
    small things you might need to change. Even just

    I quit breads/pastas and rice for several months.
    Sometimes I have them now. By taking a mini
    vacation from some foods, your body might adapt
    by shedding excess weight easier. Idk otherwise as
    no 2 bodies are just alike. You have/are doing
    great!! Don't get frustrated, it will come off but maybe
    not as quickly as before.
    A last question, do you take rest days?

    You can add me if you want. :)
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    My ideas of enough exercise and weight are different than most peoples because I run marathons (I've run 8), so for me, an hour of exercise should be normal or minimum, plus a minimum1.5-2hour long run on weekends (about 13 miles). That being said, If I look at it from the perspective of someone not training but just getting into shape, I would say you need to do more cardio. 25-30 min a day won't cut it. Try for AT LEAST 45 MINS. Even at my heaviest (which was 180,I am 155 now--i am only 5'3) I would do at least an hour- and I was just getting started. I am 36 now---older than you--- and 25-30 mins for me is just a warm up. Granted, this is after years of training.
    Still, 30 mins is below recommended daily levels for exercise anyway by the govt standards--but it is a GREAT start, esp if you were inactive before. Now try to challenge yourself and push it. Also try to really be accurate in your food diary as others have already mentioned.
  • dark_n_lovlee
    dark_n_lovlee Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone for your responses. I responded late because I usually use the App and seldom use the website. From a general consensus I will definitely invest in a food scale and a Heart rate monitor. However since I posted this I have lost 5lbs (yay!) So wish me luck in continuing my journey. God bless!!
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    bump for future reference. Thanks
  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    That sucks!! I have heard from a few of my friends that having 1500 calories one day, then 1700 calories the next, then 1500 calories again helps get them over a plateau! Also, I'm not sure what your water intake looks like, but maybe start upping your water intake, and if you are eating late at night maybe make up a rule like no eating after 6 or 7pm, whatever you'd be able to fit into your schedule :) Good luck!
  • heather_dunphy
    heather_dunphy Posts: 53 Member
    I would say Weigh your food for example I was logging a apple as a medium apple at about 55 calories and when I got my scale it was actually 102 calories and the apples are pretty small. It is impossible to determine how many calories your eating without a food Scale. And congratulations on your loss so far!