AmethystEFC Member


  • Well I'm having issues with loose skin pretty much everywhere but my bingo wings are making me fearful that I may actually take flight. However... The tops of my 'wings' are starting to show definition. I was entranced as I did resistance training today, looking at the shapes my arm moved into. I have biceps! Actual…
  • Plan and plan and plan some more. Whether it's meal plans, shopping lists or workout schedules. Being consistent keeps me on a level. Deliberately sticking to a routine so that I'm not having to push myself to do something, it's automatic. Logging on here, keeping track on my Fitbit, updating the spreadsheets I've put…
  • A few developments: I'm really starting to feel the cold. I don't like being cold at the best of times but this is a little unpleasant. My legs feel weird. Particularly in the pool. Starting to get bony knees and, since I've always been big, it's a very odd sensation. Especially when I sleep on my side. My balance and…
  • Hit my scale goal and I'm pushing forward with exercise outside of the pool. Next goals... Keep to my exercise schedule. Log everything - good or bad. Next scale goal is not so mini - 20.6 lbs.
  • Haven't gone to Parkrun yet, got to love being ill, but did do my first 'land' class tonight. I won't say it went well or that I managed more than half the class but I did it. And I'll carry on doing it until I can do the class with a smile on my face as I swing my hips. It did confirm what I've always known - that I'm not…
  • I usually get weighed once a week (Mondays work for me) and take measurements once a month. This time the measurements haven't been done since the first week of September but even I'm surprised by the results. 48.5cm down across all the measurements.
  • I've been ill all week. It's been pretty grim, to be honest, it's been a long time since I've been so poorly and I'm still not right. Somehow I've managed to strike a balance between exercising when I feel able and resting when I needed to. I've also kept to where I should be on my calories. A far cry from complete rest…
  • I had a conversation with a particularly clueless dietician a few years ago. I ended up drawing a comparison to alcoholism. It's like saying to an alcoholic... You aren't allowed to drink to excess anymore, but, in order to live, you have to drink at least 3 times a day. The lightbulb finally went on for her.
  • Aarrgggh! You can't win can you? Hoping you find your holy grail of bra places!
  • UK ladies with, um, large bosoms will appreciate how much of a big deal this is... I'm currently wearing, and am comfortable in, a supermarket bra. Asda, since you didn't ask. I'm stunned. £4. £4 for a bra. If this stays comfortable all night, I'm going to have a full bra drawer for the first time in years!
  • Hit my scale goal and signed up for my local Parkrun. 5k each Sunday morning. I'll be walking it at first but I'm going to do this! Next mini scale goal is 10.9 pounds to lose. And to survive my first Parkrun *grins*
  • Wondered what was going on as I leapt about like a loon in Aquazumba. Constantly adjusting my boobs (sorry!) and feeling odd, despite the usual swimming costume plus sports bra underneath. Well, I've just taken a good look at myself in the changing rooms and whatever I've lost this week has all come from my boobs. I can't…
  • *raises both hands* Do I have to high kick when I hit my next 50? *grins*
  • I bought a pair of beautiful shoes when I hit one of my mini targets last month. So last night, when I went out to watch a friend's band, I wore the ludicrously pretty, towering high heels and they looked fabulous. I'm still too heavy to wear them comfortably for any long period of time but heels! High ones! *Excited*
  • Finally got under 50% body fat. Happy with that :)
  • I'm a greedy monkey and have lots of little targets to hit along the way. Most are fitness related; scales when I was light enough to go on them and the last one was a set of boxing gloves and pads. I must confess that I have some beautiful shoes on that list though ;)
  • Finding it hard to come up with a mini goal. Most of mine tend to be scale orientated, so I guess the next stone mark - 5.5 pounds away. I'd also like to start doing 'land' classes at the gym instead of just aqua ones. There you go, two mini goals :)
  • Got it :) Better figure out a new mini goal!
  • 2.5 pounds off 100 pounds loss. It actually makes me a little emotional writing that. I've been downplaying my weight loss to everyone, myself included. Long way to go yet but yeah :)
  • I'm getting a little annoyed with a lady from my grocery store. Not only is she attention seekingly loud about how I'm looking, how much I might have lost and what I'm wearing, she also has started with the advice. For example, telling me how to cook vegetables. Not a particular method, just how, full stop; as if I…
  • I have a spreadsheet tracking my goals and what I lose each week. I'm an unrepentant nerd ;) For milestones I have a special thing to buy myself or something fun to do. Next target is 6 pounds away and I get to buy myself boxing gloves and pads *grins*
  • That no matter how hard I know I'm working, how much I've already lost; for a long time I'm still going to be treated horribly because of my weight. Brings you crashing down to earth. It's not going to stop me, it doesn't alter what I'm achieving but, boy, wake up call.
  • Had a lady tell me after Aqua Zumba tonight that she was in awe of how I could stretch and raise my leg high out of the water. *Grins* I still have a long way to go but this chubby Zumba goddess is quite bendy!
  • I have a friend who I've known for over 15 years. We very rarely get to see each other but we had a few hours this week when he was local to where I was. He knows I've been working hard, every time we speak I seem to have just got out of the pool, and he said something which honestly makes me want to cry every time I think…
  • I ordered some watch straps for my Fitbit months ago but when they arrived, one was small instead of large. Instead of sending it back, I just put it to one side. As of yesterday it fits *grins*
  • Had 2 people notice my weight loss at a charity event this week, which was kinda nice. I also noticed that my resting heart rate has gone from 75 to 60 *grins*
  • Name: Donna Height: 5'9" Heaviest Weight: 449.3 Starting Weight (2/29): 409.9 Goal Weight (3/28): 399 3/7: 405.5 3/14: 398.6 3/21: 403.3 3/28: Loss/gain for the week: +4.7 Loss/gain for the month: -6.6 Very upset and angry with myself this week. No excuses, I made poor choices and the scales have kicked my *kitten* for it.…
  • It's been tough all week, so far. Managed to grab fruit to eat in the car or after the school run but there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. On the plus side, came to bed early to read and new bedding! Hope you are well and your week is good so far :)
  • Hi! *waves*
    in hello Comment by AmethystEFC March 2016
  • I seriously considered it but have seen friends and family have it and just not learnt any lessons. Yes, they've lost weight, but it's only a matter of time before they put even more back on than they already have. You have to change your relationship with food and the way that you seek comfort or have habits in your life.…