kwebster1956 Member


  • Already logged in, didn't cheat, stayed under my calorie count!!
  • GREAT article, thanks so much, totally makes sense, That is exactly what I do. Is the balance in the food log the correct portions for someone like me I wonder?
  • Thank you all SOOOOO MUCH! I don't drink enough water, I will change that! I will add more food, maybe planning my next days food in adavance instead of logging in at the end of the day only to find out I didnt eat enough
  • I watch my sodium because I have high blood pressure. But I have to say that I am starting to feel VERY GUILTY about eating anything... which is why my calories are so low, one day by the end of the day I had 700 more calories I need to eat to get to 1200 and I felt so guilty to something else and I wasn't hungy.
  • I count both carbs and calories, but I try to keep my carbs under 80. I just started dieting and I read if you are going to do low carbs start a little higher around 80 and then slowly drop your carbs down to 20. Its not as hard on your body.
  • I've read lots of nutrition books, and they recommend rotating your foods every three days. Otherwise you can develop food sensitivities or an allergy. I eat eggs everyday and have for years and that has not happened to me! Ultimately I think food rotation is a GOOD idea, just really HARD to do!
  • I have found this to be extremely motivating. Make sure to log in every day, when you actually SEE what you eat every day , it is so much easier to deny yourself something so you don't have to log it in and go over your calorie count. You stay motivated to make smarter food choices to stay on your journey. Add me as a…
  • I agree I have been both very thin and overweight, but have never been really fit and healthy. I started this to get thin, but since joining this forum I changed my goals to also become more active, to gain more endurance and try new things out of my comfort kyaking, or taking a dance class. I truly feel so…
  • I also have 30 lbs to loose, I started last week. I would love to be connected with other people dealing with the same struggles of weight loss. Please add me as friend if you like!
  • I like "Mary's Gone Crackers" they are organic with a lot of fiber. Try the pepper or the caraway. You can eat 13 of them for low carb and calorie count.
  • I'm new to this, I have been using this site for one week, lost 2 lbs, probably water weight... would like to chat with others for encouragement!