

  • Thanks for the advice, much appreciated. I do have 10 presets on my bike for cardio & weight loss. I think I will start with those & change it up each day. It is amazing how in 1 short week my legs feel like steel beams compared to weak rubber bands they were.
  • Welcome! I am new here too & the people are great. I just started a week ago with a simple stationary bike. I was down in the dumps too but once I commited to a schedule of 30-60 min. a day it is amazing what 1 little week has done. I have a ton more energy, my spirits are up & I look forward to coming home from work &…
  • I do the same thing. You don't want to let yourself down so you dig deep & get that motavation to hit your goal. Do that again & when that goal gets easy raise the bar again! Keep it up!
  • First, don't be too hard on yourself. It is easy to do just for the fact that it is easy. If you are here then you did the same thing I did & that is look for help. Look through this whole site & you will get motivated to do something about your situation. You will see you are not alone & this will give you motavation.…
  • I had no will power either but I told myself enough, I am doing something. I bought a excercise bike & almost keeled over after 15 min. I told myself this will not beat me, do it again. The next 15 min. was easier. Now I pushed it to 30 min. after 1 week & am feeling results. Not on a scale, but in energy. I was getting…
  • Keep up the good work! We don't gain all the weight over night or loose it over night, it happens over time. I found it hard to work out but I turned it into a game. When I was growing up in grade school I had to do my homework after school before anything. Now when I get home from work I hit the bike for 30-45 min. just…
    in A newby Comment by accutron August 2012
  • If you have health benefits consult with your doctor. They might be able to write you a script for a monitor.
  • You have just gotten past the hardest step, being honest with yourself!!!! I enjoy the same things & over time they have taken their toll also. I started riding an excercice bike just 1 week ago for a mere 30 min. after work & started logging in what I eat every day. I realized I can have a calorie deficit & still enjoy…
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