

  • I'm under 5'3 and the journey from 120 to 110 is taking a really long time. I was stuck at the same weight for many days when I clearly had a calorie deficit and also a few pounds bounce back very easily.
  • Losing weight is only for people who want to, so there is no reason to do it if you are fine with your current state. I have a certain figure/model size I want to get to, I'm not entirely sure what weight it equals, and I've had to adjust my goal as I make progress.
  • Actually erratic calorie intake can help avoid starvation mode because it confuses your body and metabolism. If you always stay at a low calorie diet, the body adjusts to it somewhat and diminishes results. Also, 1 big meal is not going to hurt, dieting is a long term thing.
  • Frankly, I only had a guess on my height too until 2 weeks ago when my doctor took a measurement. My driver's license is clearly wrong because it says that I'm taller than my mother and I know that to be false. In addition, I even think the doctor is wrong too because her measurement put me at too short. I just took the…
  • mints. or veggies. I hate veggies, so it's mints for me.
    in UGH@ Comment by zephylis September 2012
  • I like the Fiber One brownies. 90 cal each, very sweet and chocolaty and stands in for a meal. Berkley and Jensen's chocolate covered raisins, 5 for 30 cal. Trader Joe's lemon squares, ice cream bars, 60 cal each... I can list a lot of low cal desserts, the problem is to eat reasonable quantities and not over do it just…
  • The dreaded starvation mode is overrated. I eat around 1000 or less because my bmr is low already, and I'm typically able to eat enough not to go hungry. Breakfast aside, it's easy to get a decent meal around 300-400 calories for lunch and dinner. And if you just cut down on the snacks, that's easily under 1000 for the day…
  • Brush your teeth right after dinner. That always stops me from snacking because I just think, well, I already brushed my teeth... don't want to do it again.
  • If she weighs herself properly, it's still possible within like the first week when you lose a lot of water weight, and it's also more likely for someone who starts off pretty heavy.
  • Injury and illness can lead to water retention too, I don't know about your situation but I was sick recently and gained 5lbs in 3 days from eating NOTHING. It is suppose to all go away though.
  • I'm a huge gamer, I guess that's a yes.
  • starting: 140 current: 118 goal for the month: 110 We'll see how this goes...
  • I eat around 1000 cal when I want to lose weight. I'm very sedative and daily spending cal is about 1500, so if I want to lose weight, I have to eat less. People talk about starvation mode or gaining the weight back etc. but that is not really an issue if you don't binge eat. Once you are at your desired weight, just…
  • At 105 you should look very good, definitely on the skinny side of average, and still within healthy BMI. I reached my original goal of 120 a while ago, but I wasn't happy with the results. I've gotten to 115 and that still wasn't too great. So my new goal is 110, and maybe 105-108 if I can make it. My starting weight was…