Another idea to consider....... How about a Bosu ball that you could stand on to grade papers? It'd be great to work on your balance and would strengthen your core in the process. It's tough just to keep your balance! Perhaps at a counter or a raised desk?
Welcome Michelle. You've come to a good place with lots of support and good people. In my opinion, for what it's worth, you've set a very realistic goal and it seems like your husband truly had a "lightbulb" moment. Best of luck to you as you start your journey.
There is a lot of information about pain "down there" on the internet. It's very very common. I know I suffer from it. A lot of people wear padded bike shorts. Some people say the padded seats make the pain worse. There are creams you can use too but I haven't tried them yet. Whatever you do, I think you should make sure…