

  • Why do people post pictures of thier kids? Because they love them and they are proud of them. I don't have children so my dogs and cat are my babies. It's not because people think theirs is the *only* princess, they just love their furbabies. Most people who post pictures of their own pets also love to see other people's…
  • I keep a bowl of boiled eggs in my refrigerator also, however I eat mostly egg whites as a snack which are very low in calories and fat since most of the calories and fat are in the yoke. I occasionally eat the whole egg but just the egg white is a very good snack and works for me. Just another idea of if you are afraid of…
  • If I undetstood your question you are concerned that it will only make your stomach bigger by adding the muscle on top of the fat. You can't spot reduce fat, however the crunches can't do anything but help you. Lean muscle burns more calories, however you need to do more than just crunches. Maybe go for a walk in the…
  • I would also like to loose 15 pounds and get myself set up in a good routine of eating cleaner and back in the routine of exercising regularly.
  • I don't go only by the machine but just base an average. I know the machine isn't exact but I've also reviewed other sites online to verify an average calories for each time of machine. General estimates of calories burned with an eliptical trainer on one of the sites for example said a 150 pound woman burns an average of…
  • I love the eliptical. I burn an average of 600-700 calories on it per hour versus the treadmill where I might burn 200 (I don't run on treadmill as my knees can't handle the running yet). I love the fact that I burn so much more on the eliptical. As far as the knees - there are a lot of different elipticals with different…