

  • I know that probably there will bad days too. I'm not new to this journey. 4 years ago I was weighing 120 kg. now I'm just happy to see that I 'm back to the right track with some help from my doc but it is ok. My focus is just feeling better and not necessarily to get perfect by the numbers.
  • Yeah! Thanks! Just needed to brag a little bit! Or a little bit more :smile:
  • I know too well what it is like. Fortunatelly I had and have a great support from my SO even if we are not living together and also from my doc and friends. It is a just a distorted way to deal with feelings. It is not a mistake but just it goes like this. I found a great support also at the gym. But the most important…
  • I'm writing down the things I should buy tomorrow. coffee Salmon or other fish Salad depends on what type I find Broccoli or other green things Tomatoes Eggplants Passata di pomodoro - sorry for mixing italian :smile: Fruits bananas + apples+whatever else Yogurt Tunna cans (for emergency) Green peas Whole wheat pasta and…
  • Feeling free to add me also! As formum start cooking yourself and show her that you can cook also tasty things without butter and too much salt.
  • Thank you for your answer! Also I logged it as martial arts but since I don't have a hrm and I don't believe that it will be in one piece after a class I was just wondering hot to log it. Let's say at the lowest level. I am a 96-97 kg female and mfp tells me something like 970 / hour. It seems to me a little overestimated.…
  • Dogs are habitudinary animals. And i beleive that they just are looking for a home and for human contact. So the best way to stop this behavior is just stop talking to them and ignore them. If they see that they are not getting your attention will just stop following you. And please keep pepper spray for aggressive people…
  • I would not eat the same thing over and over but for example you can cook different things as roastbeef, pasta sauce etc just divide them in portions and freeze
  • Great stuff! I believe that I am the only one completely incapable of riding a bike... I will just stick with walking. Rollerblades are out of the question if I want to get home in one piece. Crazy traffic and big streets...
  • Well you might just use some pillows :laugh:
  • Nice!! Ehm no advices here since I never got to stay on a bike! Anything rollerblades ice skating but bikes were just trees or my face in the dirt :D They say that you can't forgot how to go in bike so I believe you just have to try :)
  • I have insulin resistence and I am more or less ollowing the principles for 2TD. for me worked very well to spread carbs over the whole day. I am also on metformin and the sugar cravings have dropped a lot. I also have high levels of cortisol but seems just stress (did all the checks). You should check with your doc, and…
  • I have also a question here. Tomorrow I will restart evening krav lessons (8-9.30) and having dinner before us out of the question or I will just feel sick. The classes are pretty intensive. But I need done energy before and dinner when I return home around 10 o'clock). Usually it was one medium banana before and then…
  • I can rely on what my doc said. And at least for me is to eat well and don'skip any meal and do it at the same time if possible. I have insulin resistance and he told me that is more or less the way to trigger my metabolism instead of making my body think that It is starving so needs to build reserves.
  • Miss Dior chery Thierry mugler la rose angel Mostly fresh a little sweet and with some fruit flowers scent
  • Well is from yesterday but still enjoying it. Yesterday after a nice big icrcream that i had (it was my cheat meal) my friend told me that she was hungry and she wanted something from burger kind. I told he's ok let's go but I'm not taking anything. And just sit with her chatting but without really feeling any need to…
  • Great! You look fantastic and I really like your smile! The best thing is feeling good about yourself!
  • I didn't gave up to nothing. Even mac but is something like 2 times a year, and just stick with the small one. I love pizza, but the good one and real one and also i take the small one, more or less every 2 months. Otherwise if I go out I choose something that fits more or less in my diet and just one course. I plan…
  • Men are just men they don't have a clue... mine knows my size but just screws up with other things... I am starting to believe that genetics is there. Nothing to do.. still little babies that often just don't realize that they are going to hurt, offend etc. They usually notice that's something wrong when you just turn…
  • Cheese... :love: And any other food... :sad:
  • For me is a long walk with a friend (chatting about mens :D) and an icecream (not industrial of course :)
  • Ook... I'officially sinergie 3 data befferà TOM and i worldwide like let's see.... Eating one big nutella thing... Kill somebody... Eat the entire almonds pack... Kill somebody... And eat more. I'm just now a refugee in my room trying to read the forum. Charge batteries.. Do whatever ...
  • It is normal to retain water, and at the end of TOM the water should be eliminated. I just don't weight in this period. Ah and everyone getting near me should be aware that I might bite :D
  • I follow more or less the Mediterranean diet. Should be 55%carbs ,avoiding sugar anyway, 30% fats mostly unsaturated and 15% proteins. I was diagnosed with insulin resistance and they suggested me to follow this plan. And to eat one apple after each meal... And this is a thing that I still miss. I don't like very much…
  • Planks with the crazy man going to Hit you over but and triceps with the training pads just trying to get you to loose balance. Or with a training partner in front trying to off balance each other by grapping one hand at a time. It is fun and a great core workout. Something like returning kids. Then bridges with 5-10kg…
  • Way you go! PS if you need to cry it is not against the law :)
  • I have two training partners that are black belts in karate and also enjoying krav.
  • I can understand you very much! Today i restarted Krav maga classes! Just feeling great! And it was just a month pause...
  • I am totally coming from there. The first step is not to be so harsh on yourself! We are humans, often we have to deal with too much! If you don't show some compation for yourself You will be just feeding the circle. Try to do your best and be happy with it. If you can manage a 80/20 % eating healthy versus crap is a very…
  • My picture is just me maybe more than a real picture. Love dogs and wolves. <3