Absolutely.. feel free to add me as well.... working on it myself
BED is rarely "cured" by journaling alone. If you truly have BED I would suggest a therapist that specializes in DBT therapy as it is an evidence based practice that has excellent results with eating disorders. Mindfulness is of course helpful and aspirations is certainly a good start however true eating disorders are…
Amazing!! I am in awe that you did that in 13 months ... I want to know more about your inspiration. You look incredible and obvi have worked crazy hard...Great job!!
My goodness...tell us more!! Your story I would love to hear it...You look fantastic and give me hope
I am in awe you look absolutely fantastic
A. Looks amazing and B. Smart enough to know great camera angles and C. Has amazing eyes
So incredibly proud of you.... I need that strength
My God be with you and your family
There is so much in this story that touched me and some things I can relate to. You my dear are amazing, proud of you!
Absolutely outstanding!!! So proud of you!
Kinda looks like your winning darlin:)
Thank you, This is outstanding!!! I have been doing this awhile and you taught me some awesome strategies...thanks:) Great job!
Ok...DONT WAIT!!! For many reasons. First of all heavy lifting will only help you on your journey to weight loss, as even at rest muscle burns more calories than fat (not a ton more mind you but it does burn some extra.) But more importantly, it can change your body, and maintain muscle mass instead of losing it though…
Yes you can do squats on a smith, I have done it many times (probably hundreds of times), in some ways they will save your knees. Just because people hate on smith machines does not mean the are entirely bad don't let that stop you from accomplishing your goals....5X5 is a great program. The smith won't help with stability…
You can stick to it!!! Remember you only fail if you stop trying, there are lots of stumbles along the way, however stand back up straight, dust yourself off and continue, never and I mean never give up no matter what this thing we call life throws in your way. You got this!!!
I would make him spot me at the gym (he's there anyway, might as well get a good spotter out of it:)
Interesting post and interesting thoughts....I see what you are saying, but let me give you another perspective. I was the woman that qualified for gastric bypass, however my insurance did not cover it at the time so it was not a viable option for me economically. I wanted it bad, really bad, I did all of the research,…
I have no opinion on the book, however I shall say I was a vegetarian for five years (but not vegan)...and gained a TON of weight!!! I get that this was my fault, but vegetarian does not automatically equal skinny or healthy, you still have to eat well and within your calories
Psychologically you are totally different. You are at different area's in your life. Are you just dating, fooling around, just sex or is it something you want for long term? If it is you have to ask yourself, do you really want to have the person you are with grown old when you are in your prime or grow old together. I…
Outstanding and I have no doubt you will lose 100 pounds over the next year...Totally doable!!!! You got this!!!!
When I am tracking I do, I put my salad on a scale and measure it by the grams, I find that if I don't I put lots of dressing on and only count it as one serving when it could be three and depending on the dressing could be hundreds of calories. I think it is easier to measure it by the gram instead of by the tbls
Absolutely outstanding!!!!
Smile at nervously then avert my eyes he might see me looking
Feel free to put me on the wait list
Hey darlin, 41 here...feel free to add me.
Thank you for posting this...You are inspirational and I love that you showed what a journey we are all on and yet you kept going. Outstanding!! You look amazing
Nutella is wonderful goodness and it's happiness in a jar. I can't keep it around, I will eat it too quickly, off a spoon, on toast, on ice cream, in protein shakes...did I mention off of a spoon...yuuummmmyyyy