

  • nthing the advice for a food scale. Seriously - unless you are an expert and have been doing this for a year or more, it is easy to overestimate.
  • I got pretty large at one point, but since I was able to draw in a skinny/cute g/f at the time it didn't really bother me. (Great personality I guess heh) but what got to me was a series of things. 1. I read an article in Men's Health around 2002 that is still floating around the net. Anyway, the article's author's father…
  • After re-reading the thread, and reading the information about the guy I sort of thought about it and feel a little differently. 1. The guy wasn't being a bully, but his email was somewhat tactless and should have included what he did in his post-shaming statement. 2. The news anchor was being a crybaby about it and was…
  • Unfortunately, unhealthy choices manifest as physical appearance. Including her double-chin, thick waist, etc. She may be a successful working mother of three - but she should focus on being there for her kids for as long as possible by improving her lifestyle. Hell - I bug my mom to exercise all the time, and I bug the…
  • Low carb diets are beneficial in situations pre-diabetes or early diagnosed diabetes. In terms of general weight loss, low carb diets "work" by restricting calories and you feel full because of the increased amount of protein/fat you are taking in. There are no health risks that I am aware of provided you follow the…
  • It doesn't I agree. That being said, I would maybe speak to a doctor about possible issues with your thyroid. I have a friend who has similar issues with being able to eat whatever she wants yet drops down to the 90s in terms of weight, and it is because she's got medical issues that increase her metabolism to the point…
  • The person who wrote the email seemed respectful and concerned. If they had been talking about smoking the point would have been the same. It isn't an "attack" or "bullying" to show concern for someone. He didn't say "Hey fatass!" or anything like that. He used very clinical terms even used by the FDA. She is right though…
  • To go back to your original question, your net calories seem fine. I just wouldn't overestimate what you are burning because resistance training especially is very difficult to quantify in terms of calories burned.
  • To lose weight, you can pretty much ignore most calculators and take your bodyweight, add a zero, and eat that many calories. So if you weigh 130, 1300 calories (and doing nothing else) will cause you to lose weight. If you are doing an intense amount of training - then you can increase that . If you eat 2500 calories a…
  • In my opinion (and backed up by lots of research) I would pay more attention to what you are eating and assume that whatever tools/etc. you have are going to be overestimating your net calories. Generally speaking, if you are eating 1700 calories per day, you should weigh at least 170 lbs.
  • For people with active lifestyles who exercise regularly: (Weight in lbs * 12) - deficit you are looking for. 500 calories to lose 1 lb per week, 250 calories to lose a half lb, etc. For people who exercise periodically and have a job which keeps them on their feet or moving around. (Weight in lbs * 10) - deficit you are…
  • Don't feel bad that you are only losing a half pound per week. Obese people can lose 1-2 lbs per week, overweight people between a half pound to a pound, and the healthier you get, the less weight will come off. That doesn't mean that fat won't burn - but you will notice that your weight loss will slow dramatically. Also,…
  • Spot reduction is not possible. However, I would incorporate a caloric deficit with plenty of protein and add some core exercises to weight training. Eventually the weight will come off - but you will not have a 6 pack until you get down to around 7% - 10% body fat %.
  • 1. You are not burning that many calories per day in exercise. 2. Calories burned during exercise have a negligible effect on weight lost. Exercise is more useful in determining type of weight lost. Unless you are an Olympic athlete do not count on exercise as your primary means of weight loss. A proper diet and nutrition…
  • Just noticed you are from Stapleton. I used to live in Robertsdale. Ummmm, also check out this thread: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3483424
  • http://brainoverbrawn.com/ The book is free, and very in-depth on most of what you'd like to know. Also, don't be afraid to do squats, curls, deadlifts, etc. You won't turn into the she-hulk or anything. squats give you a nice butt, and lift heavier than 10-20lb crap that people like to do.