

  • What he said. what I do is calculate my RMR then multiply by my activity level add to that my calories expended by exercise as reported by my HRM then in order to loose 1 LB per week subtract 500 and the number you come up with is how many Kcal you need to eat for the day.. so... for example.. my RMR is 1,902 * 1.55 =…
  • I only use HumaPro. its the only protein I have ever used that I would recommend and I have used lots. You can get it in pill or powder form. it is 98% absorbed and is backed by medical and independent studies. What that translates to is it is almost all utilized instead of being passed through the urine. Have a look.…
  • What kind is it? I know the NewBalance gives you a running tally on your BMR then when you do exercise it adds that to your total cal burn during the day. However its not very accurate for exercise. to get a true cal burn during exercise you really need to get a constant monitor. Then just add that to your calculated BMR..…