

  • Congrats on a fantastic job well done. You look close to your goal weight. I assume your health is much improved. You will live a longer happier life. In the future you will be able to play with your grandkids!!!! Did having a support group/system help you along with the calorie accountability? Stay strong !!
  • I am saddened that so many people on this site think obesity is a choice and that obese people want to be that way. The sweat and tears of people who have tried to lose weight (some siince childhood) is heartbreaking. Yes some people are lazy and are addicted to food, brought up in obese families and never learned better.…
  • I would like to be "friends". I will be having gastric sleeve surgery in Feb 2013.. I have just started the 6 month doctor "supervised" diet that my insurance required. I will be 45 this Oct. and my health is so terrible that I am on disibility. So far I have lost 5 pounds in one month mostly due to dietary changes,…
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