After battling for 20 yrs --Ive FINALLY done it.........

Ive had WLS with a fabulous Dr and his support crew!.
My operation (Roux Rn Y=(gastric bypass) was ONLY 3 weeks ago on 13th August 2012.

Its been wonderful so far---but its "Not an easy way out!!"" and we Have to make it work with some work/focus and major committment!.

Im turning 43 in a few days on Sep 7th (op was B'Day gift) and would LOVE to meet up with others on here who've had WLS or any others really keen on getting their life back!

Cheers Ange


  • DJsJourney
    I would like to be "friends". I will be having gastric sleeve surgery in Feb 2013.. I have just started the 6 month doctor "supervised" diet that my insurance required. I will be 45 this Oct. and my health is so terrible that I am on disibility. So far I have lost 5 pounds in one month mostly due to dietary changes, because I cannot excercise very much. I am very excited to comunicate with someone who is also using the GLS as a life changingg tool. Did you have laproscopiic or open ? What are some of the changes you are experiencing? I am so excited and motivated. I was faciing life in a wheelchair in 5 years, if I didn't lose the weight.. Do you feel as I do that there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel? Are you part of a support group? I would be happy to hear anything you would like to share about your new life journey! Take care and best wishes, -DJ
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Good for you!! I had my RNY 4 years ago when I was 42. Don't listen to the negative replies you will probably get here. There are a lot of anti-WLS people here on MFP. I know it saved my life and was the best decision for ME. I am thankful to have my life back. Best wishes on your journey. Just take things one day at a time.