DivaTendencies86 Member


  • Here's one to make you feel better, I'm 162 cm and am on 103.5kg down from 107.5kg. I was never fat, but I let myself go and now i'm paying the price. Crying is not going to help anything though. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but you need to hold yourself accountable for having gained that weight and you just need…
  • Happy Face - Destiny's Child I woke up this morning, the sunshine was shining I put on my happy face I'm living I'm living, I'm breathing I'm breathing so I put on my happy face :)
  • Eating healthy within your daily calorie limit should suffice. To sustain ones body, different types of food groups need to consumed to keep it healthy and strong. Once you start limiting and denying your body what it needs, it tends to rebel against you at some point. Quick fixes are just that, quick! You'll gain the…
  • I had the same problem. Lucky for me, I started going to gym with a colleague of mine. I would find any excuse in the book not to go, but she would always find a counter argument to make me go. We started going to classes (boxing, spinning, tae bo, swiss ball) and that was the biggest challange for me. Some of the people…
  • Born and raised in Mdantsane, South Africa :) I've lived in Grahamstown, Pretoria and am currently in Cape Town. I'm loudly and proudly South African :) Languages: English, Afrikaans, Xhosa (mother tongue), Zulu, Sotho, siTswana, siPedi
  • Hey Liner2013, I'm also new here. I only joined a week ago and need to make friends for encouragement when i need it and a pat on the shoulder when i deserve it. Feel free to friend me when u get a chance coz i'm still trying to get used to how things work.