New to myfitnesspal

Hi, I'm on my third day of myfitnesspal and so far so good. Would like to have some friends to talk to during the good times and the bad, although hopefully the good will outweigh the bad!!!


  • DivaTendencies86
    Hey Liner2013, I'm also new here. I only joined a week ago and need to make friends for encouragement when i need it and a pat on the shoulder when i deserve it.

    Feel free to friend me when u get a chance coz i'm still trying to get used to how things work.
  • chanelb60153
    Hello, I am also new. I am on my second day and I am still having a hard time finding healthy things to eat for breakfast. I did good yesterday but it says I need to eat more calories.
  • redsteve65
    redsteve65 Posts: 142 Member
    Hi. Welcome to MFP and good luck on your journey. I joined in January and found this site a very good way to lose weight. By simply by logging your food intake and exercise completed and ensuring your calorie intake is less than your goal you will be successful.

    Good luck and feel free to add me.
  • livitup85
    livitup85 Posts: 231 Member
    Feel free to add me :)