

  • It's a hospital so I am sure they have levels of preventative care that everyone else does not have. If I worked at a hospital, I would be responsible and take the shot-on my own accord, not because I would get fired. It's wrong of them to present it that way. Forced drug injections of any kind bother me, even vaccinations…
  • I use a book called "Eat this Not That" there are a couple of volumes and they really help with making better choices at mealtimes.:wink:
  • Don't ask. Don't tell. That is the usual norm for approaching taboo subjects. And why exactly is it that important to you know? If you are planning a relationship-those answers will come in due time, when she is ready to discuss it SHE will bring it up. She has to look at herself everyday in the mirror and walk around with…
  • 5'11'' over here! Very hard to find pants long enough and how do you not feel like and Amazon in heels?? LOL