

  • I make every morning! 1 C of Unsweetened Vanila almond milk 2 Tbls Instant coffee 1 - 2 Tbls SF carmel sauce (Smuckers) 1 t Vanilia Handful of fresh spinach 1 leaf of kale 2 scoops of protein powder ( I use Visalis) 1 t of cocoa (Optional) 1 1/2 C of crushed ice Only 173 calories & it's packed with lots of vitamins to get…
  • Coffee Carmel Frappachino 8 oz Unsweetened Almond milk 2 Tbls Instant coffee 2 Tbls sugar free carmel syrup 2 scoops of Body By Vi 1 t vanilia Handful of spinach 1 1/2 C crushed ice Blend well in blender Can top with cool whip free & drizzle with the carmel syrup A great way to start your day!
  • Maple Grove sugar free raspberry vinaigrette is VERY good & only 5 calories for 2 Tbls. No making involed. There are also other flavors just as good.
  • This dip is Da Bomb!!!! 1 C Cottage Cheese 1 Pkg Good Season’s Mix ¼ of 1 onion Put into a food processer & blend till smooth like dip ¼ C Red Pepper Chopped fine Stir in by hand. Use to dip your veggies, wheat thins or anything for that matter. Depending on what % of the cottage cheese you use will determine your calories.