How I Won the Thumb War
Moulin Baton Rouge
Yoga, yoga, yoga. Or anything related. Pilates is good too, but if it's too bad, stick to yoga. Especially child's pose, corpse pose and cat/cow poses.
I do what I want.
I do what I want!
Okay, thanks guys!
What do you mean 1 calorie?
Thanks! I got it.
Sweating is a good thing! I wish I could sweat. I want to feel like I'm doing something. All I get is really hot and really red. At least sweat works to cool you off. Also screw people who think girls don't sweat. That's some outdated idea that women are supposed to be clean and weak and quiet and out of the way. Give me…
I'm on the paleo diet which means lots of protein...I'm not sure how much protein I should have per day, but I do know that there is a lot of research that says protein is not bad for the kidneys.
Way to go! Inspirational!