donabow Member


  • I tried slim quick and it did absolutely nothing for me. I had lost 74 pounds and ran into a plateau was trying it to try something new to get my body to maybe go over the plateau but it didnt help at all. I used it for about a month with my low carb diet and exercise.
  • EXACTLY.........couldnt have said it better myself
  • Welcome....... I am fairly new to this site also. I have been working on dieting on my own for a year and a half now. I lost 74 pounds on my own. Then beginning of 2012 because of life circumstances I fell back into the pit of food makes everything feel better which is a lie. But I have my head back in the game again and a…
  • cheese in moderation is very healthy for you especially if you eat all natural unprocessed cheese [no fat free, no low fat] the stuff that they put into it to make it less fat is more harmfull to you then the 100% all natural cheese. Plus it helps build muscle keeps you satisfied and helps boost your metaboliosm so you…