Brand new to MFP and calorie counting!

Hi there! I'm brand new to MFP as of yesterday! I've "tried" to count calories before. It was in my head and by memory (imagine how well that turned out...). I've lost 31 lbs by eating better foods and exercising in recent months before signing up, but I know that I need to pay better attention and stay on top of it! I just got below the 200 mark, 40 more lbs and it'll match my license! :)
Even though I don't even remember being 160lbs, that was before I was 16 I know that. I've always been overweight, but I'm determined to make 2012 my last fat year ever! I've been reading a lot of different boards, including success stories, before and after pictures and motivations that people have and I love it all! SO inspiring to a newbie! Definitely starting to feel like I belong on here!

Feel free to add me, I need friends!


  • FluffyNoMore26
    FluffyNoMore26 Posts: 92 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! You will do great here! I started with MFP a few years ago and never accomplished much but now they have an APP that I use everyday makes it much more convienient to log when your out of the house or on vacation. Your going to do great! Congrats on getting below the 200 mark!!! Onederland is somewhere I hope to be soon!
  • LiveLaffLoseLove
    Welcome and congrats on the step.... I used another site from the beginning of the year when I was at 228. I started on MFP in July (I think!) and so happy I did.... I am now sitting at 196.5 and still have about 50 to go! But each week gets better and easier! Good Luck on your journey!
  • llpleslie
    Welcome aboard you can add me.:smile:
  • meggolego
    That's Awesome, congrats! I started at 228 too, so it looks like we're around the same progress! I have a goal weight on here of 150, and once I hit that I plan on re-evaluating for how much lower I need to go. I'm pretty short at 5'2 so I know that lower than 150 would be healthy for me. Small steps first! I don't want to get overwhelmed right now lol. Thanks for your words of encouragement and being friends! :)
  • Silly_Sara
    Silly_Sara Posts: 127 Member
    Welcome! I, too, use to count calories in my head. And then mfp showed me how bad I was at it. I hope you find your own little nook here as well as success. I know I've had lots of fun in the time I've been a member. Request sent. :)
  • meggolego
    Welcome to MFP!!! You will do great here! I started with MFP a few years ago and never accomplished much but now they have an APP that I use everyday makes it much more convienient to log when your out of the house or on vacation. Your going to do great! Congrats on getting below the 200 mark!!! Onederland is somewhere I hope to be soon!

    Thanks! I'm sure you'll get there! Ive never heard it called 'onederland' lol I like that!
  • donabow
    donabow Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome....... I am fairly new to this site also. I have been working on dieting on my own for a year and a half now. I lost 74 pounds on my own. Then beginning of 2012 because of life circumstances I fell back into the pit of food makes everything feel better which is a lie. But I have my head back in the game again and a friend told me about MFP and so far I am feeling good about the site and my getting back down to business and finishing losing the 55 pounds I have to lose.
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    Welcome! I'm fairly new too, and very impressed with how much better the app is than my own mental counting ;-)

    Great job on getting below 200 - can't wait to join you!
  • meggolego
    Thanks so much everyone for making me feel welcome!! :)