

  • Thanks!
  • Hi, I am a thirty something mommy. Would love to join your group and your next challenge. I'm on the home stretch and struggling with the last 20lbs. I need some encouragment (pushing) and support. I stopped logging for several months and just started back again 2 weeks ago. I religiously workout 5 days a week and do…
  • BabyFatCat- Welcome, and I totally understand your frustration that's the exact word I use "disgusting". Know your not alone. Your on a great start, I heard those JM video really kick your butt. That's what I did started out with small time intervals. I first did 15 mins on the elliptical or treadmill now I'm up to 40. It…
  • I can't figure out the whole ticker thing..... I think i'm using the wrong code.
  • Sorry for all the post, there has been so my entries since the last time I checked in. Glad to see everyone is doing great and getting closer to their goals. I've been a mess this past week, I've been suffering from a headache for 7 days now. At first I thought maybe I wasn't consuming enought calories so I up'd my intake…
  • Hey Jess- Glad to hear your enjoying the puppu love. Our Sophia still does that it's not so cute now that she's over 50 lbs and all I do is trip over her. LOL!! I'm a Critical Care nurse, the job I'm interviewing for is with Gift of Life, it's a transplant organization in this area. They cover NJ, Delware and PA. Yes, they…
  • <a href=""><img src="" width="53" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie - Personal picture" /><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie First Birthday tickers" /></a>
  • Cris- don't feel bad I didn't know what P90x was either, did I even spell it right? LOL!!
  • Hello Chris, Kristin, Jess and everyone else. Sorry I've been MIA lately, been super busy with work and preparing for a job interview, that was canceled 2nd to the weather :mad: I was not thrilled. I was a little upset I couldn't fit in to any of my suits, so had to spend the money getting another in a size I do not care…
  • Jess- Glad to hear Sunny's doing well, and he's sounds like he really is catching on to the whole potty training. HUH?? Chris- So happy to hear you got some good sleep last night. Go hit that gym now!! Again mirrors the other enemy, we own one mirror in our entire house beside the BRs mirrors and I really like it that way.…
  • Hello Ladies, Chris so sorry to hear about your job, but I totally agree with Jess everything does happen for a reason. God takes things aways to open your hands for something better. The scale is my enemy I had my husband hide it, it's discouraging. I believe we should go on how we feel, look, and more importantly how you…
  • Hope everyone is well and on track. I was up at 5 am and did the elliptical for 30 mins burn 386 cal. I've been increasing my resistances, I'm starting to feel it in my core. Ouch!! Welcome to Michfitzhome, and Tiff! Glad your joining us, it's nice to be able to share this "struggle" with others in the same boat. Have a…
  • Hi Allyson, And welcome I'm new too. God Bless you with all those babies running around you should have no problem getting into shape LOL!! I feel your pain Izabella our 6yr old spent some time in the NICU she was born with an apgar score of 1 and at 5 minutes 2 it was scary it was touch and go. But she's a perfect healthy…
  • Afternoon Ladies! Thanks for the welcome Kristin and Jess. Your girls are just too cute! Kadence she looks like such a big girl, how much does she weigh? I'm loving the cheeks! JJ's the same way chubby cheeks and rolls everywhere. I haven't read through all the post so I may inquire on things you've already put out there.…
  • Hi Mommies, It sounds like I may be alittle late to join. But started MFP again this year after giving birth to my second child, 8 1/2 month old Joel Jaxs. Was looking for some encouragment, week one I lost 5 lbs and been working out and quite motivated then got on the scale today and nothing still just down 5 lbs. I was…
  • Hi Lisa, HAHA! I'm very sensitive about my age you know.LOL! My oldest is 6 Izabella and the baby is 8 1/2 moths old, his name is JJ. And your 2? Isee we have the same weight loss goal. How long have you been at it?