

  • I don't often get in 30 straight minutes but I do try to do 5 and 10 min walks a couple of times a day. I have a pedometer (Sportline wrist watch type) and try to remember to hit the button every time I get away from my chair. Goal is always 10000 steps(3 miles) but I feel successful if I can make a minimum of 5000. You…
  • Would not recommend trying for 20lbs in three weeks. However if you plan on trying, up your exercise do not decrease your calories. Also make sure you are not shorting yourself on protein as it is an important muscle building item. I also get the you are not eating enough calories notice on the 1200 cal. Honestly though…
  • I officially suck, I will be lucky to make 125 miles since I have only done 109 as of right now. I don't think I am going to do 16 miles this week end. But I will try harder next month.
  • I am in, it is a stationary bike but I have 20 miles already this month.
  • Do any of your friends work out or do athletic activities? If so as if you can come along. If they do something that takes more strength ask them to go to the gym with you so you can be more comfortable getting into shape. I can relate as in many ways I am a shy person. Or if you can fit it into your schedule/budget signup…
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