

  • Hi everyone, I'm Brittany. I've used MFP on and off for a few years but never stick with it due to a fear of diets! I spent most of my life doing that and I just keep getting bigger. I'm 30 years old, around 350 lbs. I want to try to focus on exercising, eating less straight up junk, and lowering my A1C which is in the…
  • @dbmata I know some of his advice sounds crazy but i am actually getting a tiny bit smaller (and hopefully less diabetic), and when i was eating delicious whole grains i remained at the same weight no matter what i did :\
  • thank you everyone for the advice! it is nice to know that others think the idea of no carbs is ridiculous because i REALLY don't want to do that!!
  • according to the allergy doctor it is the casein, which is the protein that is found in dairy. this is why i can't just take something for lactose intolerance, because it is apparently very different from that :\