ChubbyBunny212 Member


  • LOL......43 old? I used to think that too...22 years ago! Now, at 65 calendar years old I am only 37 years old in my thinking. You're only as old as you THINK. Things get better and easier with age. And it's even easier to lose the weight now than it was back then when I was running around like a crazy woman trying to…
  • "Yet another example of"... shortsighted thinking. The answer to your question is: Because everyone's body is different...that's why. Everyone doesn't come in the same size and/or metabolic rate. Because it may not work for you doesn't mean it won't work for someone else. So please don't undermine someone else out there…
  • Your reply sounds as if you have little or no hope of accomplishing this small but "fun" task of actually increasing your caloric intake. That tells me something here. Could you be a bit depressed about all of this? It can be overwhelming if permitted to be. Look at it as a challenge. You have the means. You have the…
  • The weight loss will be all water. The end result will only be dehydration...not loss of fat.
  • I would say that you are in "Starvation Mode" and your metabolic furnace has slowed down to a crawl. When we don't take in the correct amount of calories that our specific body needs to maintain "homeostasis", or more simply in this case the amount needed to maintain the body's everyday ability to function, the brain…
  • Post-Grad student.....just accepted into Doctoral program this week. Need to be healthy! Gained 30# while writing my Master's Thesis in 1996 by living on M&M's. Lost that weight. Gained XX#'s since. Learning to eat healthier and am losing the weight. WILL NOT LIVE ON M&M'S this time around.
  • I'm with you on that. It's difficult to eat when you're not hungry. Since my activity is limited I just don't get hungry. But I've learned that if I don't keep the metabolic furnace fueled with food it won't "burn". Frequent small meals throughout the day work best even if no appetite. Just a bite of protein every few…
  • Years ago I was in your shoes. I'd do well and then....fall off the wagon. UNTIL one day I decided that there was something more important to me than eating anything I wanted. That "something" for me was CLOTHES. I wanted to look great in clothes. I wanted to shop for cute clothes. I wanted a closetful of cute…
  • In the beginning I would measure and weigh but after several months I am also able to tell the volume of food visually. Not the weight but the volume. And I divide the meat into 4 oz. packages after purchasing and before placing it in the freezer. Then I never have to be concerned about the amount I'm eating at any time.…
  • Congrats to You !!!!! What a wonderful day for you in soo many ways. Keep up the good work all around.
  • Hello ! I think we may be from the very same area. I'm in Montgomery County. Although I don't bake I am a chocoholic and find it difficult to stay away from it for very long. Any suggestions?
  • The way I do it is to figure what part of the day it is. If it's the end of the day and I have the calories left...I go fo it. If it's still early in the day and may need those calories for a meal... I wait. Make sure you keep only mini size candy bars and ice cream bars around the house. A mini size Milky Way ice cream…
  • Here's what I'd suggest...Think real hard about the real reason you're slipping. Something's on your mind. Loneliness? Anger? Hurt? Boredom? Whatever. It's always something. Then address that issue instead of using food to make it feel better. Don't despair. Just get back on the bus.
  • Fad diets just don't work. I also set my goal for the day at 1200 calories. I no longer work and cannot exercise so 1200 calories a day is a healthy level for me. I lost 25 lbs over the last 4 months and so far I see no sagging skin from too rapid weight loss. Fad diets are dangerous to health.
  • Hi: After working for 35 years as a petite 5'3", 110 lb. RN moving pregnant laboring ladies, ( who were numb from tummy to toes from epidurals), single handedly from bed to litter and back again, I am now confined most of the day to staying flat on a heating pad on the hard floor because of back pain unrelieved by…
  • Hi Jenny: Just to let you know, it's do-able. Been in your shoes when I was your age and know how it feels. I lost my postpartum chubbies back then but now, 40 years later I needed to lose weight again and I've lost 25 lbs over the last 4 months using this site. Remember it's not all about the QUANTITY of food you eat.…
  • I can't work out at all and I've lost 13 pounds in just 35 days.
  • Add some Lime Juice or Lemon Juice to a glass of ice water and drink it as you would have your milk or sweet tea in the past. I used to live on milk all day and found it hard to give it up until I found the trick with the Lemon or Lime Water. It fools the brain into thinking it's getting something a bit more tasty. As for…