Back injury threw me off Track

Last year I was getting close to my goal weight, but in jan 2012 I herniated a disc in my neck. I have been dealing with the pain most of this year and as we approach dec 31st. I find myself up 15lbs since last jan1st. I need to refocus on the things I can food!!!. And exercise that I can do ...walk.

I also need friends that can help keep me accountable. I find 1 off day slides into 2 or 3 or 4 or more... And now I here I am a year later and 15 lbs heavier. ADD ME,!!!! Thanks:smile:


  • ChubbyBunny212
    ChubbyBunny212 Posts: 19 Member
    After working for 35 years as a petite 5'3", 110 lb. RN moving pregnant laboring ladies, ( who were numb from tummy to toes from epidurals), single handedly from bed to litter and back again, I am now confined most of the day to staying flat on a heating pad on the hard floor because of back pain unrelieved by medication. I was put on a medication, Lyrica, which is currently advertised on TV, which caused a 60 lb. weight gain in just 6 months. This weight was like concrete. It refused to leave. My doctor recommended that I use MyFitnessPal and it's been very successful. I've lost 25 lbs in 4 months without a bit of exercise. Here's what I found to be successful in my situation of not being able to exercise: One of the biggest mistakes I was making was NOT EATING BREAKFAST. Once I got this straightened out and started the metabolic furnace burning each day I ate a nutritionally balanced 1200 calorie diet each day. Keep portions in control. Frequent, small meals are better than 3 big meals. When you think you're hungry it may just be that you are actually thirsty. Learn to drink water instead of other liquids. And when you fall off the wagon for a day just keep in mind how much nicer those small size clothes look than the larger sizes. That always makes it easier for me to get back on the wagon and get it goin' again. Don't despair. Just keep movin' forward.
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    I feel your pain - almost literally! I recently blew my knee out and have been doing ZERO exercise for nearly 2 months. I am SO ready to get back on my bike! I asked for (and got) winter riding clothing so there is NO excuse! So, find a passion and go for it and SHARE it here!
  • Iwillbeback
    I am in a similar position. I broke my back 3 months ago as well as several other bones and am in long term recovery. I am now more mobile and wanting to loose the weight I have gained through inmobility so joined this site to try and get me back on track. I need to be more careful of what I eat ( I had to live at my mums since coming out of hospital and she has bought me lots of lovely treats to make me feel better!!!) I am now driving again, living back at home and eager to get back exercising, although I cant do much and I have to do everything slowley but hoping to see a huge improvement in 2013 and get back to my before accident weight and fitness. Be good to have/give support to others in a similar position xx
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    Thanks for the support. I am definitely going to work on controlling the food aspect of my life. There is so much that can be accomplished just through food control, I am also making a commitment to at least 10 min of walking a day everyday. And most importantly I am focussing on what I can do. I sent friend requests your way :)
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    I think I have just been using my back as an excuse to feel sorry for myself. I have lost weight with only been conscience of my food intake in the past. It was just that I had been getting so good with my exercise and really starting to feel proud of myself. The back injury has really derailed me mentally.
  • roadmapmaker
    roadmapmaker Posts: 120 Member
    I know that Lyrica really packs on the pounds. I've been on it for a year with CRPS affecting my right arm. I have gained about 10# on it. I will have to be on it for an additional 6 mo until they will trial wean me off. Hopefully my nerves will be friendlier to me and this insidious condition will go into remission.

    I also had a blow out of a disc and wound up with a microdicectomy in 2003. My back never hurt but my legs hurt sooo bad. I just started another therapy session for it. Going ok so far its has helped. Never ever give up!
  • fervc64
    I had low back problems a few years ago. Very painful. I still have to be careful. Good luck.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Welcome back; congrats on keeping it down to only 15 lbs gained under those conditions... Most of us would have been far worse off than that given your conditions.