

  • I just finished insanity and started T25. Today is my first STATurday. It is quite hard, but :smile: Don't quit. You will see just after a few days that you are able to hang in a little longer. Focus on breathing and form. Go at your pace. You get results no matter what. You got this. Good luck. :smile:
    in T25 Comment by juneb77 November 2013
  • Hang in...I just finished two weeks ago. . Focus on your form and breathing....and don't go as fast. You will see that just after a week you can do more without the shortness of breath. I just started T25 and I love it. Because of insanity, I don't have to modify at all. Don't quit! You got this! :wink:
  • Just finished Insanity. Took two weeks off from BB and now on day 3 of T25. Not as "insane" as insanity YET..but I know it's all to come. I haven't had to use modified version (thanks to insanity). I am amazed at how much you sweat in 25 minutes. Was worried that maybe he does less stretching but he does incorporate it.…