

  • Hi guys Im Mellissa and I am 21 years old. I married to the love of my life we have been married just over a year but have been together almost 6 years! Its just me and him living together. The problem is that he has a high metabolism and can eat whatever he wants and as much as he wants. Myself however I am very short at…
  • Hi I'm Mellissa and I'm a 5'0 shorty! I'm looking for buddies for motivation and accountability! Add me
  • SW:157lb CW:141lb Add me I'm always in need of advice or motivation and always willing to return the favor!
  • Hmm that sounds great and I have a big tub of coconut oil that I didn't know what to do with so that's perfect! Thank you!
  • Great thank you!
  • I drink at least 6 8oz glasses a day which I know is not enough but it's so hard case It makes me pee so much lol. I think I'm going to try a fast tomorrow it has worked for me in the past. I haven't tried lowering my carbs yet so ill have to try that to. I've been trying to stay away from sugar alcohols because I don't…
  • I've been in a plateau for 4 weeks. And what is a fat bomb? What is an easy way to do that? And should I stop eating those types of things? I thought about doing a fast and I think I might tomorrow. That has always worked for me in the past. Thanks for your help!
  • Maybe that's it, I hope. I don't know though I just want to get past it!
  • Along with the whole fiber thing that they^ were saying when you search for a food you can also search by net carbs it's way easier that way. If you don't know net carbs is amount of carbs-fiber=net carbs. Hope this helps!! Good luck!
  • Great cause I've been feeling sick the past few days in the morning almost thought I was prego lol but then I remembered that this can happen with the diet lol thanks for the tips!!
  • I think im going to do just straight keto the whole time I dont want to have to deal with having the cravings all the time and feeling sick. Id rather just get rid of it all! Marisa- Very inspirational to hear and uplifting for me. While Im having the cravings it feels as though there is no end in sight but Im glad to know…
  • I totally agree i am also a big bread, pasta, and sweets lover! so thats the worst part for me is that i cant have any of that! but i have found some ways around that there is spaghetti squash and chocolate protein shakes and if you make bread homemade or with flax seed meal that makes it less full of carbs. today is day 3…
  • oh my gosh that sounds amazing i will have to try it thanks!!! and yes this is my first time doing this so i decided that im not going to exercise except for walking for about a month and see where that gets me. Thanks for all the help it is really appreciated!
  • Thanks. And it's day 3 and I'm already starting to feel fatigued and kind of pukey just wishing I could go munch on a little Debbie cake but know I can't!! Any I dead of something sweet I can have that won't ruin me? Lol
  • Day 2 went well so hopefully i will be in ketosis by the end of the week! thanks!
  • Awesome Thanks!!
  • That's kind of what I did, I read about the diet for like 2 months before actually starting. I thinks its more helpful to do it that way so then you know what you're getting yourself into. Good luck to you too!
  • Yeah ive basically been mentally and grocery wise preparing myself for tomorrow which is when I start all weekend I cleaned my house of carb filled foods and loaded up with veges and meat. Thanks for the help cause I'm definatly going to need it!
  • Awesome thanks for the advice! I'm starting it tomorrow and just threw out all the carb packed food in my house and went shopping got tons of meat and veges!