Thanks for the tips! I'm fine with tea and no soft drinks but it's the artificial sweeteners I'm struggling with. I've always needed some sort of sweetener but my doc is adamant that I need to cut them out. So I'm trying and may need to use fruit to sweeten naturally.
So sorry! I'll be praying your doc can figure out what more is needed to get it approved.
I find this topic interesting as I was going to post a related question. I saw my PCP today and I'm trying to do anything I can to get ready for surgery even though I haven't figured out how to pay for it yet. One of the things my doc said was to cut out all soft drinks, diet and regular, as well as all artificial…
Thanks for the responses! The Bariatric surgeon my PCP is going to refer me to just changed hospitals and won't start taking patients till he starts in December so that is my first step. If anyone else has info I'm all ears. Thanks everyone!
I'm currently living in Oklahoma City, OK but I was born in Stoughton, Massachusetts. I was a military brat so have lived in N. Kingstown, RI, Panama City, FL, Adak, AK and Hampton, VA, as well as Fargo and Woodward, OK before moving to OKC.
I am so glad for all the tips included here. My insurance won't cover the surgery so I don't know when it will happen, but I can certainly put these tips and tricks to use meanwhile. Thanks!
Thanks for the detailed info as that is exactly what I was looking for! Doesn't seem as bad as I was expecting. I can't wait for my appointment with the surgeon next week.
Thanks for the great suggestions! Mentioning how much money I'll save on my meds and grocery bill not to mention eating out is something I hadn't considered. Yay shopping!
The weight loss just astounds me! Keep up the hard work!
Thanks! I am certain I will go through this process but wondered how to deal with those issues. I appreciate the info.
Hi! I've been on Levemir for about a year now and weighed 5 lbs more than when I started .Cannot say it's due to the Levemir at all. I know being on insulin has made my weight loss more difficult. If you can avoid going on insulin by diet and exercise then I strongly encourage you to do so. Good luck!