Water, Water, No where!!



  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    My bariatric program requies us to get 80 oz of liquids in before surgery and after surgery too. In the hospital I had to drink 8 oz of water an hour and track it daily. Since I had a hital hernia repair when they went into to do my sleeve it did slow down my progress of liquids and even drinking the protein shake in the hospital and they feared if they released me on the usually third day Wed I would end up dehydrated so they kept me till Fri the fifth day to release me to go home after sleeve surgery. It was tough to get 80 oz in right after surgery. I am now 4 months 2 weeks post op and drink 80 oz or more a day. I do count my skim milk I drink with my protein shake in the morning for breakfast as 8 oz. Here is usually what I drink:
    8 oz skim milk w protein shake for breakfast
    16 oz of decaf hot peppermint tea for breakfast
    24 oz of decaf hot peppermint tea at work in morning
    24 oz of hot water mixed with swiss mix diet 25 cal hot chocolate mix ( 2 packets) at work in afternoon
    10 oz of water mixed with 10oz of Raspberry Acia Sobe 0 calorie at work in afternoon
    Once I get home from work I either drink another 16 oz of water or hot decaf tea.
    So I get in 80 to 88 oz of liquids daily
    On the weekend I take bottled water with me in a little cooler and take my water bottle into the stores I am shopping in.

    I have to say before I started the WLS process I didn't drink any water...yep 0 water. I would drink reg coffee with my breakfast and then have diet pepsi for lunch and one for dinner. Once I started with my bariatric program and was told I needed to quit all carbonated beverages I weaned myself off diet pepsi gradually and went from reg coffee to decaf coffee gradually. I then started drinking 80 oz of water a day. In order to meet team approval with my program I had to be off caffine, no soda and drink 80 oz of liquids daily so this did motivate me so I could get approved for surgery by my program and them to send my insurance paperwork in. I started the process in Feb 2012 and was team approved in April 2012 and insurance approved in May 2012 and could have had the surgery in May but I waited till June to work commitments.

    I do get more water in on the weekdays it seems than on the weekends. I get busy on the weekends around the house and before it 2 hours have passed and I haven't drank any water. At least at work on the weekdays I always have a cup of hot tea or water on my desk for me to grab.

    Good luck!
  • kimmireads
    kimmireads Posts: 66 Member
    I find this topic interesting as I was going to post a related question. I saw my PCP today and I'm trying to do anything I can to get ready for surgery even though I haven't figured out how to pay for it yet. One of the things my doc said was to cut out all soft drinks, diet and regular, as well as all artificial sweeteners. New research is showing that consumers are putting on weight with these products and they don't know why. Particularly since they are supposed to do the opposite. I'm not big on water but my family and I decided to cut these items cold turkey, but what's left? I'm trying Celestial Seasonings Herbal caffeine free flavored teas without sweetener but not much better than water. Anyone have ideas?

    I'm 19 months out from a sleeve gastrectomy. I still struggle with getting in the amount of fluids, but I think it's because i don't think about it. I love tea. I do better having enough fluid when I have tea but want to work on just more plain ol' water. Haven't had soft drinks in several years now other than occasionally when people make punch or the like. After not having it for so long tried a sip and ewww tasted like I was drinking from the syrup bottle. I don't know how they measure up nutritionally because they still have artificial sweetner in them but I love Crystal Light; my surgeon didn't seem to feel this was a bad trade off. The carbonation from soft drinks is bad for a WLS person.

    It will just take some time for you to get used to it and pretty soon you won't want it. My son drinks Powerade Zero--he cut out soft drinks when he was wrestling in school. As Onaughmae said unless I'm really roasting from doing yardwork or something I find if the water isn't icy cold I do better with it, too. Try adding a little mint, lemon, or lime to your water or tea. One of my favorites is Celestial Seasonings Mint Medley made as ice tea. Ocean spray 50 Cran Grape and Trop 50 is really good. Ocean Spray also has a diet cran grape and the diet V-8 Fruit Drinks are really good. There is a Berry Medley and Tropical in the diet ones. The V-8 Diet fruit fusion is good, too. If you do any fast food kind of places Lipton Diet Brisk Green Tea Peach Mango is really good--Arby's and Speedway often have it in their fountain drinks. Subway's Unsweet Fusion Green Tea is another I like. Most places will have unsweet tea of some sort so this is always an option when you are out and about and don't want just water--problem is most places are not going to have decaf--I usually just have the tea when I want it.
  • tammylsomers
    Thanks for the tips! I'm fine with tea and no soft drinks but it's the artificial sweeteners I'm struggling with. I've always needed some sort of sweetener but my doc is adamant that I need to cut them out. So I'm trying and may need to use fruit to sweeten naturally.